First PC Build

Hello everyone!

I have decided to suck it all up and guild my own Gaming PC from scratch. I have upgraded my current PC quite a bit and have watched many guides to building my own PC, teksyndicate's was extremely helpful. I am aiming for a mid to high range gaming PC that will be able to handle light video editing for my school courses.

These are the parts that I have chosen based on recommendations and online reviews. I have chosen to have a red and black themed build as I think it looks plain awesome! Any improvement recommendations are greatly appreciated.



If I was you I would downgrade the motherboard ,the 16GB of ram to 8GB, possibly change the case. And then most importantly up the graphics card.

Oh and your current PC won't use anywhere near 850W.

Ok thanks for the reply. I'm fairly new to picking parts so i'm open to suggestions. Do you have any cases you find particularly easy to build in yet still have a high quality?

Keep the 16GB; you'll need it for video editing.  Also try to get faster memory if you can, as it will help with video rendering (but not gaming).

You don't really need that high of a motherboard, unless you like the looks or want to do extreme ocing.

That whole build will run just fine on a 550w power supply.  I would suggest also trying to pick up a GTX 770, as upgrading to two GPUs only helps in gaming, and will often not help video rendering.

Ok thank you for your advice. I'll have to consider picking up a GTX 770 as only having a local paper round as income it can be difficult to pay quite a lot of money for a GPU. But ill reconsider my options as it may be a while before I can actually build my computer.

A 770 would be a great upgrade. And try to get a cheaper motherboard, and lower the PSU to about 750.

Try this.  Cheaper, still very overclockable, stronger, and cheaper.  You'll need a higher wattage power supply if you plan to use two GPUs or more, but a GTX 770 is a very strong card and should be able to max out most games.

Somebody give this guy a cookie, its cheaper and its better than what I already had. Thank you very much you've all been very helpful. :)

Hey, thanks for the reply. I would like to have atleast 1.5 TB of storage if possible. I Al's ant to know If it is necessary to spend more on the 270x and if I really need a separate CPU cooler. Thanks.

Grab a 2TB drive if you need more storage.

The R9 270X is a good budget card, but the GTX 770 is much, much more powerful.

Are you going to be overclocking?  If you are, you will need an aftermarket cpu cooler.  If you are not, remove the cpu cooler, and switch out the i5 with a Xeon 1230v3, and replace the mobo with one that has a cheaper h87 chipset