First I would like to say thanks for any help I get with this.... now on to what I'm looking to do. I am looking to build my first PC. I will be using it to play games like DayZ, Planetside 2 and Arma 3 (when it comes out). I would like to play on a med to high settings (doesn't need to be ultra). This is what I have put together.
I already own the case but that is it. Is there anything i should change?
Seems pretty good to me if you could maybe change the GPU to a 650ti close on price but as theyre a new card the performance is quite a bit higher.
hope that helps but if your happy on not maxing then a 7770 should be fine hope it goes well :)
Instead of getting 1 8GB stick of ram get 2x4gb sticks you will see a large performance increase due to your motherboard being dual channel.
This is a build that's slightly over the price point on your old build.
Thanks..... I will look into the 650ti also the six core CPU but depending on the price I my just get the better GPU. Also about the ram, I may just take yor advise on that. I don't make much money so I am buying a couple parts every paycheck.... should be done in the next 2 checks.
If I were you I'd change the power supply... stay away from raidmax IMO
Get the 2 4gb sticks instead of 1 8gb stick and go with 1866mhz speed for the ram. Also instead of a gtx 650 ti for an extra 20-25 bucks you can get an HD7850 and it will be a very big increase in performance over the 650 ti. Other than that everything looks great and you should have nice gaming setup!
@tony would a would the 6 core be that much better than the quad core. Considering the six core is clocked at 3.5 and the quad core is 4.2?
Ok so i have been looking and it looks like I can get the AMD FX-8320 for an extra $40 compaired to the FX-6300 and $55 more than the FX-4170 ..... I am curious if the 8320 is worth the extra money. Sorry if this question seems dumb but i have only used a duel core computer so I really have nothing to go by. thanks again
also if i do this i will stick with the radeon 7770 and get a better GPU in a few months.