First intel build

was wondering best skylake mobo and ram for first intel skylake build want good features with mobo and best mobo for oc cpu to max excuse my lack of knowledge when it comes to intel was always amd user

what is the machine going to be used for?



Once you provide a budget and the purpose of the machine we can get a better understanding of parts that you need.
If you are looking at Skylake it will most likely have DDR4. At this point I would consider a 5820K with a decent motherboard and at least 16GB of RAM. At least with the 5820K you will get 6 cores and 12 threads and of course it will be able to overclock.

Some video editing and gaming on ultra settings some streaming

600 euros for mobo and ram used for editing gaming and streaming

Already have skylake live in Europe 5820 was just too expensive nearly 700 euros