First Gaming PC build, have some questions

Okay, so I will the post the build my friend have come up with:

PCPartPicker part list:

This is what we've come up with. But I had some questions.

1. Is it worth getting the 780 Ti over the normal 780 in this case?

2. Is Windows 7 or 8 better for a gaming PC? He says 7, I say 8.

3. I would also just like your overall critiques/comments on the build itself.

1. depend's on what your doing

2. Window's 8-most thing's are just faster in general but you need too watch Logan's vid's on how to De-suck it

3. i can only make comment's when I know more about what you are trying to do


1. In my opinion I would go with me 780 ti over the 780, if you have the cash. One day you will run into a game they will use all of it.

2. Best answer given.

3. For the price of Noctua air cooler. You may want to think about upgrading to a closed-loop liquid cooling system. Make sure your case will accept whatever rad you decide on.

The noctua air cooler will be a lot quieter and perform very similarly to liquid coolers around its price range.