Hey guys so I have pretty much wrapped up my first proper gaming pc build and was hoping some of you could give me an opinion. One thing is that I am yet to choose a case, if anyone can recommend a decent case for a reasonable price along with a keyboard would be much appreciated.
Let me know what you think of the build and if there could be any changes/improvements made.
Definitely do not get that graphics card. The reference 290's and 290x's have horrible problems with cooling. Although if you're planning on water cooling it or putting on an aftermarket cooler, it's probably best to go with a reference model. If that isn't your plan, either get a 290x with a good aftermarket cooler (such as the Sapphire Tri-X: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-112260050g ) or drop down to a 290 with a good aftermarket cooler (ASUS Dcu2: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-video-card-r9290dc2oc4gd5 ). The 290 has pretty similar performance to a 290x, but it would perform better since it wouldn't be throttling all the time due to high temperatures.
Morgoth is correct, and with the case, pretty much just choose what one you like the look of that's in your price range, just make sure you check it's specifications list to see if it'll fit your water cooler. Any modern Corsair case should accommodate all your parts, the fans/cooler in particular.
Okay I have re adjusted the build, opinions now?
Even this case word work great and it's a lot cheaper than the 450D by corsair, which is probably the competitor in this situation. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/fractal-design-case-fdcadefr4bl
the link to the new case you chose didn't work :/
Try this link, trying to keep price as close to £1000 as possible.
Also, what are you going to be using the SSD for?
My operating system and the games that are most used so they load quicker, however i probably could get a partially cheaper ssd
I checked the specs and it says that it only supports the H80 water cooler and bellow but tbh the H80i will perform basically the same as the radiator trades length for thickness giving it basically the same performnce if not the same most times and it's also 10 pounds cheaper.
Ok that's fine :) was just making sure you weren't only going to put your os on there otherwise i would've suggested and 32gb or 64gb option. Also make sure you don't use over 85% of the space on the SSD otherwise it could run quite slow, so don't go over 100Gb
Should I stick to amd or do you think i should draft up an intel build also just to weigh up my options
When it comes to getting good price to performance then AMD is almost always the way to go when it comes to CPUs so yes you should choose the 8350 and for graphics cards when listed in order they will be in pattern for example from best to worst it'll go nvidia>Amd>nvidia>amd>nvidia>amd and so forth until you reach the end with the best card in the world which is a nvidia one. And for what your wanting to spend on a GPU then it's either or. I would personally buy the 780 if it were me as i think nvidia does high end better and amd does low end ( a LOT better). But it pretty much doesn't matter, if you can find a r9 290x without the reference cooler for cheaper than the 780 you have selected then go with that other chose the 780 :)
Friend put this together for me...what you think?
NZXT H440 in Matte black and red would look great and bring together all those black and red components you have picked.
what resolution you're playing? i got a msi r9 290 @ 850mhz, ram 1000mhz 70C 50% fanspeed in a fractal r4 with 6 + 2 cpu fans and it still runs hot. my msi r9 270 oc to 1200mhz was 60C on 35% fanspeed, both cards at 100% load. if you play 1080p a r9 290x is stupid, a r9 290 is better imo for 1080p.. i can play bf4 with res scaling 200% with 50-65 fps with ultra settings except msaa and post processing and no motion blur. if you play 1440p get a r9 290 and if you play 4k get 2 r9 290's with waterblock. i only got a r9 290 because i got it for free and my r9 270 broke ( 1200mhz oc and i got a new one, love msi! oc was in the warranty). my r9 270 was fine for 1080p even for 144hz if you don't use msaa ( i hate msaa). but games like metro are 60fps on ultra without msaa. if you have a 1080p 60 monitor get a r9 280 with a windforce cooler or the cheapest aftermarket cooler.
sorry to say this but i think it's stupid, a h100i with that motherboard and that cpu.
First figure out what resolutions you'd like to play at and what fps as itr0 suggested and buy a graphics card appropriately based off of that ... Second do you really need an 8350? As in do you plan on rendering or hard core computing otherwise its not the best bang for the buck. If all you want to do is game you'd be better off picking up a fx-6300/6350 and give it a nice overclock. Next that water cooler if you really want to go corsair then pick up an h80i temp are pretty similar (+- a few degrees) and they can be found for quite a bit cheaper. Finally that mobo ... Do you really need it personally if your not going to use all of its functionality its a waste of money purely for aesthetics . as for a case depending on your color scheme that nzxt h440 is beautiful in my opinion even better than my current define r4 and it has various color schemes to match your parts.
I have this secondary build idea that i may go for
Not very overclockable, because of the business class B85 chipset on the motherboard. You will need to look for the Z87 chipset if you want to overclock.
You also won't be able to run SLI on that board. That makes the extra wattage on the power supply pretty much overkill.