First Computer Build, need suggestions!

Hi I'm quite new to this forum site (this is my first thread here) and I was suggested to come to this site for some good answers on custom made computers. My intelligence level about computers over-all is a good 4 on a scale of 1-10. I understand the components of computers and the basics of how they work but I've gotten no far than the detail of things (like Ghz, hard drive rpm's, volts, etc.) so please, give suggestions anywhere, useful advice is GREATLY appreciated. This will also be the first computer I've ever built but I get the basic if not, more than basic understanding on computers when it comes to putting the parts together.

Back story: I got a crap-tastic intel (I don't remember specific processor) windows 8 laptop from my aunt for Christmas (I appreciate the thought of her getting me a new laptop of-course) but it wasn't no where what I needed for gaming in terms of RAM and graphics (great processor though) so since it didn't fit my needs she is going to get money back ($300). I'm planning to save up with that 300 (there is more money to come, that's another story related with that which will take longer to type) and end around a limit which is around 600-700 give or take. I looked around for decent computer builds and I came across these two.

PC parts:


Just a reminder, again you can give me ANY suggestions related with these build, as long as its in the 300-700 money range give or take, of-course my eyes will look towards the less $ suggestions that people give, and if there are valid reasons for the more expensive ones, I WILL look into it. Keep in mind, I was NOT planning on buying a Windows OS, but suggest away when I'm through with this.

Main Prompt: I would like a PC that performs as well or slightly better than current generation consoles (basically PS4 and X1), but I would also like to operate basic computer features like document editing (probably on the web like Google docs), decent web browser, and I'm only installing Google Chrome, Skype, 1 or 2 emulators, maybe MineCraft, and MicroVolts (a free to play 3PS). Would they all work on SteamOS? I was NOT planning on buying and installing Windows + optical DVD drive as said before. I looked all over the web what things can work on SteamOS and I'm not really getting the answers as they are quite vague to what I'm looking for.

What you should know about me: To be honest, I'm NOT a heavy Steam user, in fact I rarely log onto my Steam account (even forgot my password) but I get back into things quite easily, and I know my way around a lot. I've been playing online games (mainly MicroVolts for more than 3 years after a switch from console, I do play on console here and there but definitely not as often as before. I know how Steam works, and I already got a few games in-fact (I got Left for Dead 2 for free from X-mas 2013 lol). I'm probably gonna be getting job so I might come up again with more (I'm only 16 almost 17 and I'm focused on school currently)

I'll probably have more questions later. Again, good advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated! If you suggest any parts to switch out, please provide an amazon link, its best to my convenience.

If you want to run Linux I would not recommend Steam OS because it is meant to be more of a home theater PC than a desktop OS. For a first Linux build I think Ubuntu would is probably your best bet. It also runs steam just like steam os so I should have the same games.

If you want to go the APU route you can actually build a great PC for 300 to 400 dollars.

I have the lowest end possible amd apu on one of my pc's and even though it is not my gaming PC I played The Stanley Parable on it in 1080p and it ran great with minor stuttering.

So I would assume some of the higher end APU's will work even better. Plus it has mantle with supposedly will make the game run better.(on games that support it)