i really need some help i am ready to purchase everything just want to have some secong opinions to help me make sure that the system would not bottleneck or anything. Would like to do some overclocking as i have the h80i in the parts list. hope to hear back from some of you guys i would love to hear some feedback. thanks -Ryley-
Seems solid. It'll probably handle anything you can throw at it.
If you're looking into overclocking your GPU as well you might want to pick one with an aftermarket cooler on it, but I'm probably saying that because of my bias against the plastic-shell-with-lone-fan reference design.
As an added point, SLI would benefit more from better cooling if you plan on using all those extra PCI express slots on that mobo.
Other than that it seems like a typical 3570k build to me, which should be fine.
wow, looks pretty kick ass. well, i would probobly consider the graphics card as an upgrade if i ever consider dumping some more money into this. thanks for the feedback, i would like to see how this build turns out, just need to turn the keys and get it started. thanks again!