First build

i'm building my first rig for myself and i would like to know what i could do to make it better without adding much to the cost.

Definitely get rid of that Raidmax PSU

At least something like this: LINK

Honestly this would be the bare minimum: LINK

You are also better off buying an 8350 and overclocking it to match the speeds.


Also the Kingston SSDNow are not very good, if you want budget but much more reliable the Adata SP600 would be a better choice LINK

I was going down through the list and I ended up saving windows 7... :X

there... saved you $30 and a whole bunch of headaches...

reasoning: if you want it...

That processor is a cherry-picked 8350 bin... they run hot as hell and aren't as powerful for the 90th percentile of things people do with computers... they also bottleneck CPU-heavy games... I like the 8320 CPUs for the price, but the rebinned models throw out all the price to performance... the motherboard you picked out is nice for an 8320, but an 8320 belongs in budget builds, not $1300 ones... it's just old, on a dead socket, and not as powerful as an i5 for gaming and most other tasks...

ram is ram, the ram I picked out is cheaper and can clock higher...

the SSD you picked out is literally the worst SSD on the market for read/write speeds...

nothingg wrong with the 970, I prefer the EVGA  cooler, as it cools better, and the customer support from EVGA is top-notch, while Gigabyte's is god-awful...

I like the Define R5 but it's not worth an extra $30 over the R4...

That PSU is terrible chinese-made bs... the one I chose has japanese capacitors and is generally regarded as the best brand on the market... XFX, EVGA, and Corsair also make a good PSU... but cheaping out on a PSU can cause MAJOR, system-destroying, problems...

thanks for tips.

The PSU i'm actually getting for this was the corsair cx750m and i will stay with AMD beacuse i am from norway and all the parts i put there was probably not what i was going to get

i think i've made a final version of this. some of the parts that are here, aren't there beacuse i thought it was the best part, but beacuse i only have those parts where i live 

Link to parts :

MX100 - Excellent choice.  Best price to performance SSD on the market at the moment.  Also, I'd check out this thread for getting a Windows License key.  Logan has bought from this guy before:

edit: swap that 1333 Mhz RAM though.  You should easily be able to find 1600, 1866 or even a bit higher in your country for the same price.  You likely won't have a use for the extra speed, but you might as well have it in case you ever do.

Yeah SSDNow suck . They changed something on the Hardware so all the new produced ones are not as good. 128GB and a HD is good for most people so better take Samsung or a HyperX or Adata SSD for OS and Drivers and a WD drive for Data and games.


oopsie. i was meant to put the 1600 version on the pcpartpicker thread. and i've already got a windows key i was gonna use.