First build

Hey guys,

So I have been wanting to build my own pc for a long time, and finally I have decided to make that happen. I live in England and my budget is around £1000.

I have already bought a monitor (Asus vx239h) and I have my ram (corsair vengeance 1x8gb and WD 1tb harddrive (from the part list)

I am quite a serious musician and so I really want a pc that can handle recording no problem. At the moment I don’t game very much, I enjoy playing some older games (mostly because my current laptop is pretty weak and can’t take anything too serious), but having said that I would like to get into more gaming for example things like titanfall, fifa 15 etc. I am not too sure about fps and picture quality though.

For the OS I am thinking the standard of windows 7. I could be persuaded to watercool, but I think for the cost something like a cooler master hyper tx3 would do the job.


This will be my first build, though I’ve taken apart and fixed a few pc’s in my time.

I’d love to hear some ideas/ suggestions/ thoughts about how I could do this better for cheaper, or if I spend a bit more I can optimise certain areas, or really anything that you guys think about the build.


HHAHAH Wow that looks almost Identical to My build that I am going to be doing this Christmas :D

This is it

(I know .. its not pcpartpicker... but I am not from the us so i use this retailer bla bla bla ) 

Anyway the build looks good ... good cooler good case good cpu and Gpu.

That Psu is a bit overkill fore those parts .. I would look into something like a EVGA 500w or if you are going to overclock like me then something like a 600m also from Corsair ... or something simiar.

Mobo is good... I would also think about getting 16 gigs of Memory .. I know 8 gb i enough for most games .... but it does not give you that much headroom if you are going to be editing something like a video. 

Furthermore there have been rumours that Windows 10 is going to be free to download for windows 8.1 users soooo there is that.

Not really much else that I can think of .... but it is nice to see that people have similar taste in pc parts as me (:

P.s. I would check out the Fractal Design Define R5 ... It just came out .. looks pretty cool  

Thanks for the comment! Ah nice to know that someone else thinks on the same lines! I thought long and hard about the i5-4670k! 

With the psu what I really wanted was a gold standard so in the long run it's as power efficient as possible. I'm not sure what the real world cost difference is, but I'm hoping that it will be cheaper in the long run. 

Free windows 10? Very interesting! I'll need to look into that for sure. 

pps  (I forgot) I am going to purchase my copy of windows on you can get it up to 80% cheaper there than anywhere else.

Yes me to... I was originally going for the 4670k and a 4gb 770 but then the 4690k and 970 came out and I was sold .... both the thermals and power consumption is way better on the newer series.

about the psu... Whell yea it will be a tiny money saver but most of all hit has to do with the actual voltage availability.

So if you have a 500w powersupply running at 80% efficiency (Lowest standard in bronze) you will effectively get 400 wats that are available to your pc.... This kind of setup will most likely not draw more than 380 from the wall. So a gold 550w psu is just perfect for this kind of build.

However I am going to be overclockin   so I will need a little bit more ... hence the 600w psu.

But yea if you can get a good deal on that 750w I say go for it (:

For recording using higher end audio programs like Protools ... you will want the multi-threaded grunt of an i7 4790K atleast 16GB ram and a very quiet case.

The PSU ... you want to have at least 20% overhead of system usage to available wattage and 80+ bronze Certified  .... and stick to Seasonic or XFX or Corsair

£1012.21 including 16GB ram and OS

You said you had 8GB stick of ram already so you can take £60 off the total .... make sure that the timings are the same on the second stick that you buy.

(psst!  Use the PcPartPicker permalink in the top left hand corner of the page!)

Thanks for the ideas!

With regards to the i7 4790k, I notice that it still only has 4 cores, but the fx-8350 has 8. Could I ask why you would choose the i7 instead?

(also that case looks fantastic, I was sold on an nzxt but I may seriously have to reconsider)

the i7 4790k has two threads per core  ... basically four virtual cores  ... and the i7's cores are much stronger and faster single core performance ... they will turbo to 4.4Mhz no overclock is required to run many CPU intensive productivity applications like 3d rendering or video editing and multi track audeo recording. And then it can be OC'ed for even more power and speed beyond that..

The AMD FX8350 will need to be OC'ed to keep up and so it does not bottle neck with high end GPUs  ...  Two R9 280s in CrossfireX would choke the 8350 at stock clocks.