Hey guys, I'm switching from consoles and I'm trying to get the best build I can for the money.
This is what I have so far:
I have a 500Gig hdd from my old pc I'll use with the SSD, and I also have a basic optical drive just for the OS.
I'm ready to purchase today, just making sure everything is 100%.
Thoughts and suggestions?
Thanks everyone.
Everything looks alright to me just make sure its the UD3rev 4. The rev 3 had a cooling problem or something like that.
looks fine, only thing i would chance is the SSD, i would get something like the A-Data XPG 900 64 GB version since it is slightly faster :)
Look's great if your just using it for gaming and it fit's your budget
April 5, 2014, 10:16pm
Simple advice; Stay away from the CX series PSUs.
the cx series isnt that bad and i might change the ssd
There's only a $7 difference between the XPG SX900 64GB and 128GB, is there a speed difference or should I just grab the 128?
What mobo would you go with in this build? Thanks
April 5, 2014, 10:42pm
Get this XFX 650 PSU. It definitely a better quality than a CX psu.
April 5, 2014, 10:45pm
The CX series have cheap components in them. I dont recommend it, as you can find more PSU with better components for slightly more.
Thanks for pointing that out, the XFX definitely gets better reviews too, for the same price.
Alright, here's what I have so far:
Going to order everything tomorrow or Monday.
550w will be plenty:
And yes, the XFX power supplies are of great quality. I have the 550w version powering an i5-3570k and HD 7950 just fine.
Just a heads up, you could go slightly smaller with a mid-tower case. Full towers are pretty damn big, but are great for those that want to get into custom watercooling and case modding.
Thanks to everyone who helped me out! You guys made it a lot easier for me to get this build together.
Here's what I came up with: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3mO63
I'll post up pics and share how it goes when I try to put it all together.