I've been thinking about building my own gaming computer and I want it to be cheap but also perform well and be decent quality parts. I've found a combination that seems to be good but could I get cheaper with still good quality, good performance, and without using integrated graphics?
My budget is up to $450 (w/out Windows)
Live in Indiana
I have a couple mice (mouses?), but I can get a cheap keyboard at my local Best Buy
Mainly gaming, browsing, and watching Youtube videos
No overclocking
No water cooling
I can get Win 7 and my local best buy
I would like to play games on high settings
I would like to play at 720p or 1080p
Games I will be playing are Gmod, Minecraft (like to hover around 100fps+ on high settings), FPS games, mostly Steam games
Link to build:
This will be a little better performace just when you get the stuff in the mail make sure that you do the rebate right a way so you get the money back but other then that the cpu is just as powerful the ram is faster more hdd storage for like 5 bucks extra and a more power gpu and a little less money on the case but similar look to the 200r
I think I'll stick with my build but change the video card to the MSI 650 ti. It's only a $10 difference for a little better performance and I saw reviews that the Phenom 965 is better for gaming than the Athlon. Thanks for the suggestion though.
I think its very good for the price but im not so sure if the 650 ti is better than the radeon but then again it woldnt be that big a difference over the performance!