Hi I'm new to the forums but been a fan of teksyndicate for a long time. I've had alot of experience with laptops before mostly on my friends and mine alienwares but now I'm want to attempt my first pc build. I don't know much about parts like power supplies (coming from latops it was only cpu's, gpu's, ram, and hard drives) so I'm gonna use a guide http://www.tested.com/tech/pcs/454052-small-quiet-fast-building-modern-gaming-pc/. I was gonna go for the gtx 680 build and maybe the titan if my budget allows it but so far I have this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/SyEI I left the storage blank because I'm gonna cannibalize the two 256gb crucial m4s in my laptop.
P.s. All credits go to Loyd Case over at tested.com for having an awesome guide for a beast of a m-itx pc.
p.p.s. Would I be able to swap out the 680 for a 7970 ghz.
Thanks in advance for any help I get