I'm building my first gaming pc (I have a prebuilt Dell right now) with a budget of around 1,000 to 1,300 and I was wondering if this is a good build/ if the is anything I could improve for a little more or a little less.
Build- http://pcpartpicker.com/user/lordliam14/saved/1nha
I prefer to use Intel. I will be using this pc for mostly gaming, some video editing/recording, and possibly someday steaming (I can upgrade it if I eventually do).
And I have a few questions-
Should I get the ASRock pro3 or 4, or the ASRock Extreme 3 or 4?
Any ideas for a good gaming keyboard? I havn't decided on it yet
And what about a good gaming monitor? (I have a basic one for now and can upgrade later)
And any tips/how to overclock my pc?
And can someone explain SLI, dual channel, or whatever those are?
Almost forgot, what do you recommend for a good thermal compound?
-Thanks in advance-
What's the specs of your pre built?
Could upgrade that.
Get a 7970, drop the ssd, and switch to a 8350/990fx.
Too lazy to say anything else right now
This will be faster and OC better than anything else i could think of without skimping out on quality or performance
Doesnt the 7970 get really hot and really loud? Would I need any special cooling for it?
What makes that build OC better (new to building a pc)?
What about the Samsung 840 Pro for a little more money rather than the 830, and wasn't there something with the 840's breaking/catching on fire or something?
Is the 620w enough power? It says estimated wattage is 441w, but doesn't it increase while gaming? (playing games is what I do with most of my free time)
And how future proof do you think it is?
Why the gigabyte motherboard rather than the ASRock (pro 3 or 4, or extreme 3 or 4)?
My prebuilt is a Dell and it's pretty un-upgradable.
Is the 8350/990fx an SSD? What makes it better?
Where are you from?
you build is almost 1300$ without monitor, what is your budget for the monitor?
Thats unclear...
The reffrence design can, as pretty much any reffrence design will, but the gigabyte cooler does a really good job, and will only get loud if you OC the crap out of you GPU so that the fans need a higher RPM to keep it cool.
It will Oc better because the CPU cooler is better, and the Motherboard Power Phase design is superior to the other boards so you should be able to get a little more (up to 100Mhz) out of your CPU, also the 7970 with the Windforce cooler can be pushed to a really High OC if you dont mind the extra noise.
The 840 Pro will be a bit faster, but you wont be able to tell the difference, and the 830's are faster than regular 840's, Also Samsung SSD's are some of the most reliable, ive never heard of anything bad happening to one, i havent even heard of an SSD ever catching fire.
The 441Watt figure would be everything in the system drawing as much power as possble, which in theory it can but realistically it never will, with 620watts you have 180Watts of headroom, which is a lot.
pretty future proof, if you wanted it more future proof you gould get a UD3H and a 750 or 850 Watt PSU so you could add in another 7970 if you so desired.
The Gigabyte designe is better overall, more features that are useful and will be used, its really durable, and also has one of the best VRM desgine for a Z77 Motherboards, especially for its price range.
I live in the US, and yeah I know it seems a little high and I don't know why.
I think I'm just going to use my Dell monitor that came with my prebuilt, but I would like a decent budget monitor if possible.
Ok thanks, do you have any tips or links for overclocking? this will be my first time building a pc and, therefore, overclocking.
What do you like about the 7970 rather than the GTX 670?
And why the differant case? was it just preferance, or is my case too small?
Thanks for all the help btw, its helped a lot so far.