As the title suggests, this is my first time building a computer; it'd be great if someone could check over my build for anything that could be a problem later, or offer alternate parts.
I would like a gaming PC (possibly some slight overclocking) that can also be used as a hackintosh. I want to stay as cheap as possible without compromising performance (if that's even a thing), with an upper limit of $1000.
Any advice would be really appreciated, from alternate builds, to things to watch out for, and even tips on the actual assembly of this thing when the time comes.
- Mike
Link to tentative build:
AMD dude, as far as i know, Apple are using AMD gpus, so my suggestion will be 380... It is around 180$, it is WAY faster for gaming, and i am not sure, but hackintosh could be better on AMD since Apple itself uses AMD gpus...
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Just a heads up: you linked to the part list page; not the actual build itself. There is a link you can copy and paste in the top left.
Id go for this:
All of the parts will work fine.
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Oh shoot, I do apologize. This should be the link to the build
I'd do something like this:
Better PSU, better CPU cooler, better GPU, cheaper RAM.
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The reason I chose the parts I did is compatibility. The 390 doesn't work with OS X unfortunately.
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Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. Forgot this was the hackintosh topic...
This then?:
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Would a better PCU and cooler be necessary? I don't plan on overclocking too much, and the RAM is only a couple dollars cheaper.
Ye get the 970. If you're not OCing forget the CPU cooler, the 212 EVO'll do, and can you not use a 4690 and a H97 board? Or even better an E3-1231? Not sure about hackintosh compatibility...
If you prefer the RAM in yours, go for it. Every little helps tho.
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Point taken on the RAM. Is the 4690K not compatible with the Z97 Extreme4? I know that the Z97 can hackintosh, which is why I chose it.
Oh wait, the E3-1231 is the CPU. I chose the 4690K mainly because it was cheaper and seemed to have overall better benches, but if it's not compatible, the E3-1231 does seem to be a good option.
As an aside, I've found the Phanteks PH-TC12DX for a little less than the Noctua, but it seems to be a safer option than the 212 EVO in case I do decide on some light overclocking. Thoughts?
Getting confused between topics, sorry, if you're not going to be overlooking and its compatible with osx or hackintosherering or whatever the 4690 is cheaper. Just not overclockable. There might be a h97 board that's also hackintosherable (lel) that might be cheaper.
Forget about the 1231 unless you're video editing or the like.
About the CPU cooler, if you're going to oc, sure.
Oh, not overclockable? Lol forget about the cooler then XD I'll take a look at the H97, thanks for all of your help!
I just thought I'd chime in and say that for the most you just need to check GPU and Motherboard compatibility. AMD 7000 series cards are solid and compatibilble but getting a 2XX or 3XX card working is a crapshoot; even more with the latter. The 970 and 980 are both compatible but aren't the best deals out there... If possible, I'd consider a 7990 second hand for ~$300. It's practically two 280s strapped together and while a lot of games may not make use of its full potential, multimedia software sure as day will. It's your take; a solid single card or two lesser cards that in most modern cases you'll be able to crank more out of with higher temps and a higher electricity bill :)
Unfortunately, the 7990 doesn't seem to like hackintoshing :( I've seen a lot of good reviews for the 970, which is probably why I'm so attached to it XD I'm a bit worn-out from all of the crawling through google that I've been doing, and cross-checking compatibility, so I think I'll leave this until tomorrow. Until then, I've decided on more-or-less a finalized build. Completely forgone overclocking in favor of a cheaper CPU and MOBO.
Gathered more advice, and the build has evolved a bit I think this is the final form! Found a good deal on the SSD, so it's actually cheaper than this list suggests