First Build Need some input

for Gamer guy and rumblebug...

Well at a store I used to work at my friend can get employee discount on monitors, ram, keyboards, mouse, and possibly cpus...I didnt know they sold cpus but they do according to her. So I'm gonna see if they sell the amd 8350 there (im pretty sure they have Intel cpus tho) and if they do have the 8350 and IF I can get it for less than 180 I will buy it, I know with their discounts too I can get a $150 monitor for probably half the price...I also forgot to mention (or ask) I probably will want an IPS monitor. What are your thoughts on IPS? I know both of you hav chosen LCD but maybe because of the price. 

Same goes for keyboards and mouse, idk if they really sell gaming keyboards but i can get discounts for that too with their employee discount...I'm sure the same for RAM....possibly even HDD and SSD Idk bout those because i saw on their website they are selling the WD 1TB for $99 which is dumb since I've seen it for $56 but their prices online could be different in the store (their website isn't the greatest)

Will probably go tomorrow and check what they have...crossing my fingers here to see how much I can save and then get the gtx 780 because they don't sell video cards there unfortunately :( this is what I would want haha. I know it exceeds my "budget" but if I can get the discounts I mentioned in the previous post I think I can make it happen for less than that :D

I would most likely get a noctua though..I would only OC the 8350 to 4.4ghz though Changed The Power Supply with high end Parts you always want a Quality one and the monitor. Isp display tend to have better colors and just look way nicer then tn panels but the trade off is the response time will be lacking so when playing competitive games like Counter Strike or Battlefield 4 you will be a bit behind due to the lag between your mouse and keyboard on the monitor. So if you are playing games that require no input lag better to go with a tn panel. I am no expert on overclocking i know that the Hyper 212 Evo can only do minor overclocks i would assume the evo would handle it but it would not be ideal.

How did it go?

not good at all. They do not sell anything there anymore related to building a computer which was really lame! my friend got confused with cpu thinking a whole computer vs me wanting only THE CPU lol its ok (the sales person didn't even explain it well to her) So i got excited for nothing....

On a possible plus though! I met a salesperson that knows my friend that asked about the CPU and we started talking about the things I was looking for and he was the one that told me that the store didn't carry any of those things...but he used to work at a Fry's..and he said he could help me out because he still talks to some people from there and he can get me the parts with employee discount! I was like damn that would be cool, so I got his info. I just have to wait until Monday since that is his day off so we can go to the Fry's he used to work at.

He said that he recently built a $700 computer for $500 using the employee discount. So I might just wait it out until monday. I see that the parts at Fry's are not that cheap though or a little more than other places. He said they match prices...but I don't know if they would match a different price AND get employee discount. Who knows

The Hyper 212 should be fine for mild overclocks.

I tried to lower the price a bit, and change some components.  The power supply uses 4 +12V rails, which indicates that cheaper components are used to help supply the proper wattage.  It's often better to get a high quality, single rail power supply.  With such high wattage power supplies, modularity is almost necessary as the amount of cables that come out of a 750w psu is insane.

So I just bought a PNY GTX 770 OC 4GB Enthusiast Version for $350 plus there is a $20 rebate so it would be 330 in all! I saw great reviews on newegg (got it on tigerdirect tho) so I just went for it...I mean it sounds like such a good deal for a 4GB gpu. 

AWESOME. you lucky sob... got my 2gb asus 770 for $360.00. so you got a real nice deal.

haha thanks...I took it because it was a nice deal and I mean no one has ever suggested a PNY video card but I saw the reviews on newegg so I took the chance. It hurt to buy it still, or I guess I wanted a 780 but whatever. now that I bought the video card I need to look at the other parts. You can have a look at Some tech noob's or gamer guy's pcpartpicker and give your input. 

Ya i may tweak them a little, also how much are you willing to spend for the rest of the system, cause i saw you first said 700-1000, maybe 1200.. but some tech noob showed a 1300 dollhair build. also are you wanting 16 gb of ram and a ssd with 1tb hd. or just one big hd and ditch the ssd?

well lets just say 1200-1300 right now. yeah I want 16gb of ram and an ssd and 1tb hd. I want to install the OS on the ssd for a faster boot. Dont worry about the OS I think I can get it for free thru school how's that do it for ya? i tweaked some tech noobs build a bit. changed for a nicer case... also got a much better heatsink, exact one im using and it is very nice, if you plan on OC'ing it will help greatly, also got a bigger hd but also the ssd in there. new PSU, again, its the exact one im using and its lovely, and quiet.

how about the cooler master hyper 212 evo? my friend just got that one. I only plan to OC the 8350 to 4.4GHZ Also this might be weird (since I did get a PNY video card) lol but I heard their ram isnt the best. I would get a-data or g.skills.  Also i think I would just get a 1TB drive probably get a samsung ssd or the one my friend got transcend ssd 128 for 75 bucks. 

I still dont know about the case hahaha