I've put together a build which, I guess, is a sort of preliminary build. As the title says, it's a first build and I've done a lot of research but I don't have enough confidence to go through without consultation from people who actually know what they're talking about.
There it is, the only thing I won't budge on is the GPU and the case, but the rest can be replaced. I can put maybe £200-£350 more in for a superior hardware and definitely more for cooling. Noise won't matter too much I just want it sufficiently cooled.
[Additional info anwsers from the sticky] I'm living in Ireland but the delivery isn't a problem, it will be mostly for gaming with a little bit of rendering on the side. I could overclock if I was confidant in the cooling, but I do not want water cooling. Also I will be adding a sound card, a second monitor and in the future possibly another 780 ti so I'm wondering if all those can be supported in the build.
Mostly for gaming - dont need the grunt of a 2011 setup. A 4770k or 8350 and a good motherboard would be cheaper - be just as good in gaming whilst also be able to render on the side.
If you were using it as a purposeful workstation then yes, 2011 all the way. & making use of the quad channel memory bandwidth. Not just in dual (as in the build list).
An i7 is really useless for gaming, put the extra money into a better gpu, get an FX eight core instead, they're as good in gaming and almost as good in rendering...