First Build- I have some problems

I just put together my first PC, but it won't POST. I have combed the internet searching for a solution to my problem, and nothing has worked so far. I have tried reseating the graphics card and the RAM, I have checked that all of my parts are compatible, I've made sure all of the power cables are properly plugged in, and I've checked the motherboard manuals to be sure that all of the parts are in ideal positions. However, I haven't tried clearing the CMOS or starting the system with a different graphics card or RAM (I don't have an extra of either). Also, I have had to replace a graphics card because the first one I got wasn't compatible with the motherboard, and the new card requires more power than the last one so I suppose that could be a problem.

As for the error itself, the computer powers on, fans start spinning, but I am greeted with a black screen, and I have to hold the power button for about ten seconds (I didn't count) to turn it off. Here are the system specs:

  • NZXT Source 210 case
  • MSI A88X-G43 motherboard
  • MSI radeon R9 270x 2GB graphics card
  • AMD Athlon X4 750k CPU
  • Kingston HyperX Fury model HX318C10FWK2/8 RAM
  • Corsair CX series CX600 600 watt power supply
  • WD blue 1TB HDD
  • Asus PCE-N10 wireless adapter
  • some poopy optical drive I cannibalized out of an old system


It sounds like you have plugged in your front panel headers incorrectly, could you please double check.


the simple thing would be a bios update is necessary for your fm2 motherboard to read the cpu properly

a friend of mine bought an fm2 motherboard + 750k and had the same problem, in the end he had to buy a shitty £20 dual core just to get the machine to post so he could update the motherboard bios... after that it accepted the new cpu and allowed him to switch the motherboards default getting of igp to pci-e.