First build help

So I decided to replace my console and get into pc gaming and was wondering if this is a solid first build. 

I basically used the parts logan recommended in a build video just changed the ssd and case also is there a better gpu around the $300-400 price range 

The budget I set is $1500 also I wont be doing any editing just gaming 



build looks good, i would personaly go for a  128GB SSD, and the money you save i would go with Hasswell i5-4670K with a Decent mobo z87 mobo. like Msi Z87 mpower


or this:

grtz Angel ☺

Thanks im going to go with the msi Z87 i just really like the colors of the ram and mobo matching 

you also have a matching GPU a Msi Nvidia GTX770 Twinfrozer, but that Radeon 7970GHZ edition, is a much better deal ☺

grtz Angel ☺