First AMD Build.. What do you think?

Hey guys its my first build and this is what I've come up with. Im pretty much at the limit of my budget so unless some changes are REALLY neccessary then I'm thinking of keeping it as it is. My only concern was if I should go for a better Motherboard but since I wont be overclocking it should be fine?


Any imput or advice on parts and compability will be highly appreaciated.


P.s I also need a cheap but good case, so pretty much the most bang for buck.. Thanks

that link is blank

Oops my bad try again..

That computer looks awesome to me.


Its close to what i have, im just using a 680 instead, should be a decent rig

build looks fine, only the ramm, you have ramm with high heat spreader, so you cant install it in slot 1/3 dual channel probably. only slot 2/4 cause that hughe aircooler, maybe covers the first ramm slot .

for the rest looks good.

the Asus M5A97 R2.0 board is a good board