Anyone know what the first 64-bit version of Eclipse was for Mac?
Eclipse the screensaver, or Eclipse the game?
If you are talking about the screensaver, I don’t think there ever was one — it was never ported to CISC/x86/64-bit. You needed to run the RISC/PowerPC/32-bit version under Rosetta.
If you are talking about the game, I don’t have an answer. Sorry.
I think he’s talking about eclipse the ide.
Although, this is a total eclipse of my knowledge. Can’t help ya, sorry.
So I don’t have the information for you, but I can point you in the right direction.
Eclipse is a Java program, so I’m pretty sure the compiled jar is just a compiled jar and should be platform and architecture agnostic.
It’s the JVM that’s specific. (so JRE/JDK/OpenJDK)
I’m looking on the Eclipse website, and it looks like Oxygen. I just want to be sure though.
Not sure why “you need to be sure” but back in 2008 when I used eclipse it would have been on a 64bit jre. (I think it was Ganymede). Yes, this was on a 15" intel macbook pro.
Just found out you can’t install J2SE 5.0 on macOS Sierra.
I haven’t tested this with Yosemite, but you get the idea.
It looks like what it comes down to that you have to have an old enough Mac to test the software.
It’s better to stick with Windows, because Windows doesn’t care which ancient version of Java you use, it will just work. 7, 8, 8.1, 10, etc…
And it’s not like the code won’t run on a Mac even if you don’t have one. It’s still Java code.