Hi Guys,
I bought an AMD Firepro W5000 off of eBay and have been having a hell of a time trying to get it to work on any of my systems. The actual posting is here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/2GB-AMD-FirePro-W5000-GDDR5-DVI-2x-DisplayPort-PCI-Express-3-0-x16-GPU-TESTED/224308381126?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649
I bought it because it seemed small enough to mount to the side of a Dell/Wyse 5020 as an eGPU (which I realize is in itself stupid in pragmatic terms) and seemed reasonably powerful for the size/price. I have previously tried other cards as eGPUs for this system without troubles, both a Firepro V4900 that I also got around the same time from eBay (a much older/wimpier card BUT it works out of the box accelerated in NetBSD which was my original goal when the search began) as well as an HD 7970 I had on hand, which works fine but is much larger, more power hungry, and absolutely overkill for a 1.5GHz SoC. The 7970 is the same generation as the W5000, GCN 1st.
Anyway, I have had no luck getting the w5000 to work at all on any of the machines I’ve tried, which are:
- An Ivy Bridge i7 3770S running on a Gigabyte H77N-WIFI – my main system which runs an RX 580 day to day
- An Acer 4820TG – An old laptop I have with a busted screen but one which I use hooked up to the TV with the HD 7970 as a pretty decent Kodi box/Steam console. This one has no UEFI support at all and runs a legacy BIOS.
- The Dell/Wyse 5020 – This is an AMD Kabini SoC based Thin Client which I’ve been playing with lately. I’ve used a PCIe adapter with it without troubles with both a FirePro v4900 and also the HD 7970
Basically, with the w5000 plugged in, I have no BIOS option to select the discrete card which I believe means the BIOS can’t see the card. This is with a DVI->HDMI adapter plugged in to the card’s DVI port and an HDMI dummy monitor dongle plugged into that adapter, so it should think it’s hooked up to a display.
If I boot to the UEFI shell and list cards, it is not shown. lspci
on linux doesn’t show it (even if I leave it completely unplugged while the system boots, then plug it in and echo 1 >/sys/bus/pci/rescan
This problem exists on all three machines, none can seem to detect it at all and behave like there’s nothing there.
I de-soldered the pm25LD010 SPI flash chip from the card and used my BusPirate device to dump its contents with flashrom. The dumped ROM is identical to this one: VGA Bios Collection: Dell FirePro W5000 2048 MB | TechPowerUp
I thought, OK, maybe Dell are some buttholes and maybe the vBIOS locks it to Dell hardware. So I used the BusPirate to flash this other ROM, VGA Bios Collection: AMD FirePro W5000 2048 MB | TechPowerUp , to the chip and resoldered it. No change. This second ROM doesn’t support UEFI at all according to TechPowerUp so I made sure everything was using Both or Legacy (and the Acer 4820TG doesn’t support UEFI at all).
I’ve also been using a Dell DA-2 220W power supply to power the 12V rail on the mini PCIe adapter since this card has now auxiliary power input connectors as it’s meant to get power from the PCIe slot.
I’m at a loss of where to go from here. I’m thinking the card just doesn’t work at all although it was sold as tested. The only thing that gives me pause is this guy’s story where the card wouldn’t work on his board but worked just fine on his work PC: Solved: HPE-510t does not boot with AMD FirePro W5000 (Windows 8.1) - HP Support Community - 4027072
I’m happy to perform more diagnostics, I have a good multimeter and also an Agilent 54622D 100MHz oscilloscope if there’s a way to probe the PCIe at relatively slow speeds. I also have an OpenBench logic sniffer in a box somewhere, but it’s 20MHz and I doubt it can do anything the oscilloscope can’t.
Thanks in advance for any ideas y’all have!