Firefox users view

Ok so i was readying the firefox site and seen some hack thing to make your net faster now i dont know if this works but was reading the comments people say it does work but you can get bannded of sites if you are useing it... now i dont need it but would be cool to speed my net up a lill heres the link if you guys know about it let me know if it is possible to get bannded for useing it

Reading even

I don't trust it unless someone else has done it and has indisputable evidence that it works.

It works, however I prefer to choose another method to speed up my internet such as using OpenDNS.

Hmm, I've used something called Fasterfox, but there isn't an updated version for Firefox 3 yet.

yeah same here, do you know if their making a third one?


No it works, it opens up more connections for the firefox

so when you type in 30 it's making it so that 30 connections are being opened up from that site for you to go on.

its noticably faster and the reason why you can get banned for using it is beacuse it puts more stress on the server so if the server can only handle 100 people on, then just yourself being on is taking up 30 of those ports.

something along those lines, i read a article on that a while ago.