Firefox is open-source and has less than 6% market share

please enlighten me!!!

radicalization is strong word.

i have seen few comments without sufficient related data :heart_eyes:. hence my opinion.

i use ff if website breaks completly, otherwise tor. all my life i have choosen according to my personal tastes and beliefs. period.

I just want a reasonable opensource browser than doesn’t melt down my 5 year old laptop when I want to have a video conference and 100+ tabs open at the same time (undoubtedly some of them pointlessly trying to fetch data in the background)

Is that too much to ask?

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There was plenty of links and related info up there, you seem not to have read the replies properly, you could also have replied to all of them with only 1 post rather than spamming 6.

They literally linked it below that, you just didn’t read so here it is again for you:

Again, you just didn’t read so here it is again for you:

Again, you just didn’t read so here it is again for you:

Again, you just didn’t read so here it is again for you:

At this stage I will just relink the entire topic and let you rework your way throigh it a little slower this time.

Back to the topic.

Linus is open-source and has less than 2% desktop market share

Is not to dissimilar of a statement yet there is not the same concern about it, is that because it is easier to see why that is the case? After all windows may not not always be acting in our best interests but it does its job well so people use it anyway. Why the focus on Firefox?

This is not intending to start that whole argument just pointing out that in other similar situations the reasons are easy to see.

Firefox has its failings and the market share reflects that.


Yes. That’s why I used it.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that Firefox is a good tool. I am just extremely cautious about the direction Mozilla may take it due to the fact that they’re pushing agendas that seem to be counter to internet freedom. (the “we need more than deplatforming” blog post is really the prime example of what’s wrong with Mozilla lately)

If you’re not familiar with the US (and European, for that matter) social climate, you might not recognize the issues, but it’s gotten to the point where families are being torn apart by political agendas pushed by tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, Spotify and Mozilla. Mozilla pushing articles to your launch page about how bad Trump is, for example, is not going to be met with happy thoughts by anyone. If you like Trump, you’re unhappy that it’s on your page. If you dislike Trump, you are reminded of something bad in the world.

At the end of the day, Mozilla should provide a browser, not be a gatekeeper for what’s good or what’s true in the world. If they return to that, I’ll be very happy to advocate for them again.


I had included a link to the Mozilla blog where the CEO commented as such, but I had it wrapped in spoiler tags so it was blurred out.

i think every giant money sucking corporation is going to act in self interest, especially for money. i wonder if they work with china to keep information about the communist party hidden like microsoft and google

I can guarantee this will be the case in China, and in countries in their immediate sphere of influence. These companies will do anything to get in to that market.

For me (in the UK) though, they had a BBC article about the rape and genocide of Uighurs. Surprising, because most of the articles I get shoved down my throat by Firefox/Pocket is crap like “How to make PERFECT cupcakes!”, some weeks out of date articles that are by then irrelevant, and mobile game ads.

Pocket was a fucking dumb purchase by Firefox.

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Mozilla keeps doing dumb shit. If they’d knock off the social events and all that crap and just pushed their products they’d do fine.


Lol do you really expect FF to stay out of social when they have a CEO with a hair like that. They want to make use of their power.



Edna from the incredibles whose losing it after covid?


The failure of Mozilla to deliver a product people want is not solely responsible because of the hairstyle of the CEO.

The failure lies with the CEO’s ability to adhere to the vision of the company.


I am saying she has hairstyle that typically woke crowds have hence why Mozilla is so involved in the social activism instead of making just a product.

Our mission is to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.

See, I’m not sure that she’s actually that far off. I can see how someone would think that all these wild things Firefox is doing is making individuals experience more “safe and empowered”

But yes, the failure is not due to a hairstyle.


That is pure lookism and I do not agree with you at all. In particular, people in the tech sector, who are often characterized in degrading terms, should think carefully about whether they want to talk that way about others.

I see the problem with Mozilla rather in a vicious circle where Mozilla is trying to capitalize their shrinking market share to be able to sustain as a company. which further alienates their user base consisting mostly of people who choose Firefox because they don’t want every aspect of their usage being capitalized.

This is a general problem with open source and free software. Software that can be used profitably by companies, such as cloud technologies, are heavily promoted by the same companies at great financial expense. Software for the end user, on the other hand, is mainly based on the development of volunteers. When a project becomes too complex and requires full-time developers, the financial support of the community is usually lacking.


Her looks seems to be very consistent with her politics and that was my point. Not that her hair style is somehow responsible for the failure of her organization. Mozilla makes a web browser, they should focus on that instead of social justice politics.

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As fas as i´m concerned all popular well known browers,
are pretty much all equally bad now days.

So yeah…


Any further discussion of peoples physical appearance will result in a suspension.

You have been warned.


My beef(s) with Firefox as an end user:

  • since everyone else went process per tab, I gave up on it. did they ever get there yet?
  • much worse CPU burn than safari. in Firefox for example causes my CPU fan to go nuts on my laptop, safari does not

To be fair I haven’t given it a spin for a few months, but every time I do, there’s some annoyance I don’t get with safari or brave

The fact that Mozilla poo-pooed the idea of process per tab and dragged their feet for years/decades was enough to confirm that their priorities do not align with mine.