Firefox blocking content

bloody firefox keeps blocking content on this site, besides using another browser is there any way to disble it on a site by site basis


I can disable a page at a time but it only lasts for that session, should I reload the page the silver shield pops up again and it's damn annoying


any suggestions?

i'll say this again, if its youtube videos, its because youtube isn't encrypted and this site is, so it thinks its unsafe content.

and typically something either in the bar or a popup will tell you there is unsafe content. try clicking that.

Fire fox demands you empty your cache. Go to options, again, to options, then go to advanced. Click on the tab network and you will see your empty cache button. I empty mine constantly and I find it really helps. Hope it helps for you too.

While we're talking about the foxes... I'm using Firefox Nightly(its 64 bit) and it blocks me from getting to gmail. I get an error message saying it isn't redirecting properly. Any help?

Already discussed here and here.

It's all TekSyndicate's fault.

This is ridiculously stupid. The cache has nothing to do with the problem and the cash is there for a reason so deleting the cashed data all the time means that you can turn of caching all together.

I hope this is trolling.

Firefox blocks only one element, and that's a single imgur picture that is not https

In many countries and with many ISPs, google syndication ads are blocked because Google can't guarantee that all the ads it will show are compliant with advertising regulations, which it effectively can't, because if it could, that would imply admitting to an even worse crime: since a majority of Google Ads are legally unsuitable for minors/children/small children, if Google can guarantee that all the ads are compliant with all the ad regulations towards minor children of the different age classes in all specific viewing cases, it would have to admit that it gathers personal data on minors and children, or on adults without explicit prior permission, which is a serious crime, so Google just doesn't send out much ads anymore, there haven't been any google ads on in quite a number of countries for quite some time.

Another issue is that in the EU, Google legally has to ask for prior permission of users to store cookies, and if you ignore the question or answer no, like most people do, there will be no google syndication requests, because Google can't profile you if you've not yet performed a non-encrypted google search (because google uses custom URLs to profile you in Google Services without using cookies), and they most probably just don't have any advertising customers anymore for unprofiled ads. ANY ad-funded industry runs into this problem, most print press is already gone, commercial TV is suffering heavily, the internet is just next in line, it's completely normal because there is no added value in advertising and the effect wears out ever more rapidly. If you want ads and want Google to build an information bubble around your head, just never close your browser, accept all cookies, never purge history, disable all privacy and security measures, yolo right...

And in many countries, ISPs always block Google Ads by default and replace it with their own ads, the cool thing is that Google doesn't know or acts as if they don't know that, and keeps sending invoices for hits to its customers, when the only hit is a replacement with another ad... lol like spying and eavesdropping through a keyhole and getting nailed for mailfraud instead... now wouldn't that be righteous?

The reason why all these things don't happen in chrome or internet explorer, is because those use the CA listings that microsoft pushes to your computer with every "important security update", while the open source mozilla firefox only uses the official and verifyable listings held by the CA's themselves, and requests and verifies every certificate with the official CA database every time a page is requested. Chrome just uses the locally pushed always-dated and hackable Microsoft listings, and the "Google identification", which they sell as "anti-phising", but which is effectively just falsifying official CA public key listings.

A lot is wrong in the equation, but firefox is not.

The solution is really simple: TS could rent out it's own adspace on it's own site to it's own advertisers, instead of using google spyware, and keep track of clicks itself with modules like Simple Ads, and the problem would be solved.

Firefox blocks only one element, and that's a single imgur picture that is not https

That's wrong (at least on my end). The iFrame which contains the youtube video has the src set to an http url which gets blocked.

Yeah I had that whitelisted already, I'm trying to keep up with whitelisting ads and references of TS elements, but since Mozilla uses real CA checking and I obviously don't allow the google identification phishing database because I may be insane but I'm not crazy, I pretty much have to hack into the CA list of firefox and whitelist of ABE every couple of days lol, I try to allow the monetizing of the TS content, but it's not exactly made easy, at least not in a safe and legal way. I have to spoof the custom google syndication URLs with every content request, micromanage the scripts, etc... and Google is hardly ever pushing ads, and only on one German ISP, on my other German ISP and my Belgian ISP everything is blocked by the ISPs. Google Services and Ads are just such a mess lol, and the inconsequent implementation of elements on the TS site doesn't help at all...

BTW, it's also strange that the scripts don't follow the nodes. Have you also noticed that when you're on a reply page, a lot of stuff goes missing, from ccs to the tracking scripts to the google phishing script? Probably local theme profile selections in the different nodes instead of centrally, because it should be independant of the node or content, it should be centralized for the Drupal site as a whole. When you go from a normal URL over to a node link and over again to a normal URL, everything goes lost in the process lol.

Have you also noticed that when you're on a reply page, a lot of stuff goes missing, from ccs to the tracking scripts to the google phishing script?

Jup. 72 vs 25 blocked requests.

it should be centralized for the Drupal site as a whole
