Finishing this build

I have already bought the graphics card the case and the mobo but is there any other stuff you would recommend or switching etc pls let me know!

RAM is a bit pricy.

What are you going to be doing with this build?  That's what we need to know first.

i was going to be gaming and video editing and also will be streaming in the future

Ok.  Then this build isn't too bad.

Grab this RAM kit:

You could also grab a modular power supply, but if you don't care about looks too much you can stuff the extra cables of the CX600 somewhere in the case.  If you want a modular power supply, I'd recommend this:

or the CX600M.

Hey i would need a canadian website though

Well, I didn't know that.

RAM kit recommendations: <-might want to check for CPU clearance.

Modular power supply: