Finding which HDD windows is on

Hey guys,
I have a friend who is looking to find which HDD their windows is installed on. I have tried explaining the “Create disk format and hard disk partitions” method but he did not trust himself. Is there another method which could be used?


Unplug all the drives, plug one in at a time till it boots?


Looking at the size of the partitions in the Windows Explorer can give you some indication, but you can also right click on the C: drive -> Properties -> Hardware -> Select Drive -> View Manufacturer. This can help distinguish drives.

In my example, it doesn’t show a manufacturer because I’m using a virtual machine, but his computer should.


TheCakeIsNaOH has already said the best option.

Unplug all drives. Plug in one at a time. See if it boots Windows.

Edit: If he is re-installing Windows, it’s best practice to unplug all other drives, besides the target drive.

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I suggested that, but he didn’t trust it as he thought “he would break the computer”. He is new with PC’s ect and is trying to upgrade atm.

Is he upgrading Windows, or hardware? Either way, it sounds like he shouldn’t be doing it himself.


Hey mate,
Just upgrading hardware and is looking to upgrade certain drives. He just doesn’t want to overwrite his windows from what I’ve been told.

Edit: Nvm, I misread

Only applies if installing Windows.

Since he’s already adding/changing components, I can’t recommend this enough. I have been burned by not doing this in the past. Windows is also highly intrusive to other drives.

If he is swapping the motherboard he would be better off reinstalling windows anyway. Any other hardware (not. Storage) he shouldn’t need to touch the drives.

As for storage. If his windows partition is currently on a hard disk and not an SSD then he should upgrade that first before doing any other changes. Windows 10 on a hard drive is a painful experience.

If you can get more details about what drives he is swapping we may be able to give him a step by step guide.

It’s not necessary to reinstall windows when swapping hardware anymore. I’ve even swapped architectures from Intel to AMD. 10 survives that well.


Sorry mate haven’t been on PC for a bit. Cheers I’ll pass it on. cheers brother

open file explorer… This PC /click on drive…look for windows file structure.

simple and no special steps

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