older parts are more expensive because they are no longer manufactured... you could get a 4690 and decent H97 board... but american horror story is on and I am a slave to it...
www.pcpartpicker.com check out the 4690nonK/H97 and 8320/990 boards
Well LTT is a hotbed of nVidia and Intel fanboyism. An 8350 especially overclocked will be fine.
Going with a 1st gen i7 is probably a bad idea. It would most likely be slower than the AMD and you'd be on an even more ancient and outdated platform.
there is no Bottleneck when it comes to the FX 8350. It has no problems handling 3 7950s. There's even Build Videos people have done on YouTube with 3 Way Setups though I don't understand why that would be necessary because Scaling is Never Ideal unless you are playing Tomb Raider. but any who. the REAL reason i believe people probably wouldn't recommend it cause of there is a possibility of a PCI-E bandwidth Limitation. i'm not sure if there is enough PCI-E lanes to handle 3 or 4 way configurations. but it'll definitely handle it fine. if you were to grab a FX 8350 and a Good 990FX motherboard you'd spend about 300 bucks.
you'll be fine. and that combo is very good. and that motherboard has good stability plus you want to give your cards at least a little room to breathe a bit. lol
that to me is an unrealistic budget for core components like MOBO and CPU for three way crossfire ... I would recommend upping your game ...so to say
I would also be inclined to recommend against three way crossfire and if need be sell your GPUs and buy two large GPUs and do a two way build ... because what ever you get will suffer from terrible scaling issues ... especially at the budget confinements you currently have.
all I am saying is ... right now you can buy three R9 290 for under $900 ... but I would not recommend doing a three way crossfire ... I would say use one R9 295X2 instead ... much less hassle and better overall performance
sorry I'm a bummer dude ... I do not mean to put you down ... I am old and stuck in my way ... I hope that some of these guys with more experience with multiple GPUs can help you out
EDIT ... plus I've been drinking .. I know no excuse just a day in the life of