Finding panel for TV repair

So a while ago someone I know had their TV broken while moving, they didn’t know what to do with it so I said that I would take it to see if I could fix it. I have taken it apart and removed the panel so I am quite sure that a panel swap would be pretty easy to perform.

So the actual repair would be easy but finding a replacement part is proving to be quite the challenge. The TV is a Toshiba 55L6200U, so it’s a 55" 3D Smart TV, it’s being sold for just under $1000 right now where I can find it. The panel used in this TV is an LG LC550EUG-PEF1 panel, the panellook page is here.

Does anyone have experience hunting for this sort of thing? Any suggestions where to look? I have found a few available but they either do not list a price and require you to be a company to purchase or the price is pretty much the same as the whole TV itself. If I could manage to get the panel for some $300-500 I feel that it would be a worthwhile repair.

Here’s a few examples that I’ve found:

Thanks for any help!