Finding a new forum?

IMO I think this forum has had a great past, but activity has died down a bit. Maybe because school and graduation for some, or people are getting jobs so they have less time, but interaction here is limited at best.

Are there any other forums that you guys tend to use? I tried to move over to LTT but they have 0 linux crowd basically. It’d be me and like 4 other people, annoyingly enough.

Have you tried the discord?
It’s pretty lively over there…

Last I was in the dc it was pretty dead lol. I just want a forum.

Doesn’t Phoronix have a forum?


If you want a Linux forum that is as friendly as this one, you’re out of luck I think.



Phoronix is actually a pretty good forum. As for @FaunCB have you tried getting involved with a FODS project? There are a slew of IRCs, slacks, forums and mailing list to dive into.

I DEFINITELY have enough projects as it is now. I probably don’t need more haha.

I’m always thankful for what we have here, I don’t think I’ll ever find like-minded people that are a lot smarter than me.

I’m already familiar with the people here, It’s like having a small online family and I see newbies every now and then which is nice.


I like the way you worded that.


As do I.

I dunno. Maybe I should just use google+ more, but it seems like articles by users are less and less and its still just “do my homework” and the kinda nonsense you see on IRC. Seems like theres less traffic on here too. The other day I watched for about 2 hours where nothing happened. The lounge didn’t even move. It was the weirdest thing I think I have ever seen, especially for this forum.

And IDK maybe its a good ol’ days thing when the Tek Syn forums were this big holy shit brigade, the rare appearances from @DeusQain were like a new years celebration for 5 or 6 posts because hde was basically a mythical creature, some of that I miss. Really I just miss the activity. We’re no where near crit amounts of dead, obviously, but the general… IDK, locomotion? of the forum seems to have died.

IDK maybe google+ is the answer for that. Guess I’m kinda dissappointed some posts that, if I had posted like a year ago or more would have had lotsa views and comments, that now go basicrally ignored aside from the few people that like to read what I have to say.

I guess I miss some politics too. It was always interesting to see what blunderbuss would explode in XYZ news forum that day.

I miss a lot of stuff with the forum. Seems like its a shell of what it was. I’ll try G+ again and see what happens.


All Communities go through times of little to no activity. And I’ve been in more than I can count over the years mate. Thus, be of good cheer as all things then and now change. And I highly doubt such change here bodes ill.


I think the internet is just becoming old and stale. I was talking about this with my CMHA worker yesterday. It is just like anything else we do in life as it becomes boring and empty at times. I follow Jim Sterling closely and watch Level One Techs videos and try to participate here but hard to at times since the community split. I also just use YouTube as a music machine and watch tv stuff on there. If the internet and everything about it went away tomorrow I wouldn’t give a damn. Life would go on. So with all that said I have no recommendations on forums for you to go to Aremis. Funniest thing I have posted a bit again in LTT but of course don’t feel connected to the community as a whole cuz Linus always seems to do something to tick me off. After looking at maybe what I disliked about him in the past I realized maybe I needed to look at things different then not more than 24 hours or so after stating something somewhere about that he came out with a cringe video. : S Anyway best of luck Aremis in finding what you are looking for. Sorry I am not a Linux nerd that could engage with you but an OS doesn’t excite me. With Windows it just does what it is supposed to and that is all I want. Heck in regards to Windows I haven’t even gotten myself to learn all there is about that so before Linux I need to do that. LOL! Oh and one more thing about yesterday with my CMHA worker I pointed outside and said that is still where real life happens and to get one really wants interacting with real people there is a must. With that said have you tried to start a Linux related group in your community?


I had a solution and realized I am part of the problem as well.

The solution is easy, to post more and make more topics that people can take part in. But I’ve not been great at that recently, and haven’t made a new topic in a while.

I’ve been happy with how the politics channel is discord has been. Largely respectful when when people strongly disagree with each other. I think the forum had a little bit of a problem with the latter, people just not letting things go. Maybe they had changed slightly or maybe the transient nature of live chat helps more there than a forum.


Was the ban on politics just because the rift generating a lot of bad posting?
Would there be anyway the leaders may allow for non L1 politics to return?
I mean like world politics, not infighting.
I would also understand if it’s easier to moderate by staying away completely, keeping the board free of internet fights that differing political viewpoints, but there is a large amount of potential for discussion.

TL:DR does the leadership think we can be trusted with mature discussion, or have we proven ourselves to be hysterical shitposters?

Yes. Routinely devolved to drive by arguments and ad hominem.

But it was great to watch from the sidelines.

It’s unavoidable

This leader does not, I don’t pay too much attention to the discord politics section to begin with but it is usually tame. However, it’s almost an entirely different set of users there.



The best IT/Tech forum on the internet is without a doubt, Whirlpool

Whirlpool is an Australian forum although there are plenty of foreign users. It’s largely a professional IT community, but also caters for the causal tech enthusiast, gamer and general banter. Lots of brilliant minds frequent the place.

  • 808,588 registered members
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I think a world politics section would work fine with the right attitudes. I think the problem had been was that a number of users would take a disagreement as an unending challenge or a reason to attack someone anywhere they were . Especially true with trump and such. We had for example people advocating for the death of the FCC guy, which is unacceptable.

Ultimately though I think we could. Recently I’ve seen a lot of people who fundamentally disagree with each other but come out of the discussion leaving there disagreement where it was. I think that might be partially to do with users attitudes and leaders helping threads preemptively.

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Personally, I think politics are dumb and any discussion is fruitless to which end chaos ensues and will have to have constant attention to put out the fires.

We’re not paid for this shit.

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You rang?

The Qain Train is operating in stealth mode at the moment.

But seriously…

Is it quantity or quality that you are looking for?
is it validation or discourse you are looking for?

It sounds like to me, that when you are not actively working on stuff, the playhouse is half empty. Or the faces you see you don’t recognize. It’s like being one of the few people left after a massive round of layoffs at your company. Or remembering that you are a year or two younger than all your friends when they all graduate and you no longer have your friends immediately by your side.

The L1Train stopped for maintenance, and a lot of people got off, and either wandered off, or got left behind when it left the station.

A lot has transpired in the last couple of years, and there has been a lot of growth and adventure, but also sorrow, bitterness, and a sense of loss.

The people who congregate to this forum are what make this forum. If you come here and feel like it’s empty, because it used to have a small group of people posting every couple of minutes, and now it goes several hours without any update. Maybe instead of jumping ship, you can post something yourself, as you do. Attempt to inspire conversation and inquiry.

Ask questions, even if YOU think they are stupid. dig into and share the curiosity. As I’ve always said, this place is what we make it.

If you are working on a project, share it. Not everyone is going to think it’s as cool as you do. That’s okay. Dedicate your time here to building something awesome. It will attract the type of people who also want to see something awesome.

Life is happening,
so Buckle up, hold on tight,
and get a helmet.