hi everyone, i'm playing a lot with linux and installing distros every week but i finnaly tried manjaro. i knew it was good but i never tried it. i got it with openbox and damn it runs smooth. it came with the amd drivers preinstalled so i can recommend this distro if you want to try gaming on linux.
i have some problems with it though
-how to open the amd catalyst control center with root? # sudo amd catalyts control center . doesn't work and i can't find the name. (need the 144hz!)
- i really really need something when you drag your window to a wal it makes it a rectangle (like in windows 7 and linux mint)
- sudo pacman -S preload doesn't work? don't know if manjaro has the arch repository, ifnot plz tell me how to get the arch repository.
- does someone know how to make manjaro even better? i don't know yet how to change collor and size etc of openbox. i got a good fast system with unlimited ram so i can throw anything i want at it.