Finally making the switch to PC

I have wanted to switch from my xbox360 to PC for a while now but just couldn't get the money to. I have a pretty good laptop that I play some PC games on but I havenever really gotten into it. Now that I have the funds I believe I am ready to order! 

I would like to start this out by saying that all of the Tek Syndicate videos I have seen and everybody on the forums are very helpful and I have learned a lot :).

I have been planning this build for almost a year and I have it all together I just want to see if you guys notice any major problems with it or have any suggestions.

I will mainly be using it for gaming and editing footage from a couple of GoPros with the GoPro editing software. I plan on getting into  over clocking but do not want to do a custom water loop. I already have a keyboard and mouse so don't worry about those. 

I am hoping to order these parts asap so if you have any suggestions please post them soon. 

I plan on doing a build log for this,  is there a specific forum for me to do this at?

Thank You

Ripjaws x at same speeds have a 15% off coupon code currently. You could save a few more bucks with a bronze rated PSU, unless you figure out the exact power draw at idle, and gaming load. Looks better then what I have so far though.

Personally I would go with a bigger AIO watercooler if I was buying a k chip. Just my 2 cents.

agreed on all points

I got the ram for almost 20% off at my local Micro Center. As far as the PSU goes I am trying to use very little power so the extra efficiency is a noticeable difference for me. I was looking at a larger radiator and did a TON of research and what I have found is that with good airflow the H60 is plenty for some light overclocking. I'm also at the limit of my budget so I could not afford a larger radiator at the moment :( . I would certainly get one if I could though, maybe a future upgrade?

Oh so you have a microcenter next to you? That's great.  Personnaly, i would get this:,0401795

It's a combo for a motherboard and a CPU.  The CPU is the AMD FX 8350.  It's cheaper than the I5, and it performs about the same and even better in some areas.  The motherboard is Asus M5a99fx Pro R2.  I have the little brother, the Asus M5a97 R2 and they're both great motherboards, very stable and overclockable.  Also, if you find an Asus Sabertooth 990fx on sale, get that.  It has a better power design, more overclocking features and a solid five year warranty. 

I would change the CPU cooler to something like a noctua NH D14,  They outperform single rad all in one coolers.  I own one myself and it is excellent!  Keeps my Fx 6300 below 55 celcius even under a heavy overclock!  Really quiet too.  But what's the use of a quiet CPU cooler if your case isn't so I would change the case to a Fractal design arc midi.  Very clean design, feature loaded and a tad cheaper too

Microsoft gives the middle finger to gamers and enthusiasts, give them the middle finger back.  Pirate windows and save money.  

I ditched the SSD and went for a better GPU. The GPU I went with is the AMD R9 290,  They have been coming down in price and now they are actually a good value again.  This is one hell of a card with a great cooling system from MSI and very overclockable

If you are dead set on an SSD, this is a solid deal : 

I always recommend browsing through /r/buildapcsales just to see if there's something you like.

So yeah, that's what I would build but of course you don't have to listen.  But if you do.. here is a pcpartpicker link:


Sadly the d14 is out of budget :(

If you know of another cooler for $60 then I will take a look at it, or should I go with the stock cooler and then upgrade later? 

An H100i for fifty follars.  Refurbished though.  

Phanteks PH-TC12DX

 Noctua Nh-U12Dxi4

Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo 

Corsair H55

I have had some bad experiences with refurbished products so I'm going to rule that out.  What makes you think that the h55 runs cooler? 

Plus you believe the phanteks and noctua will perform better than the h60?

Should I go with the stock cooler and save up for a noctua d14? 

Well Judge for yourself.  The Silver arrow is an aircooler similar to the noctua nh d14.  The results speak for themselves.  For your dollar, air coolers are just much better.  

What's your max budget. If you manage everything correctly from the start, you can fit a noctua nh d14 just fine.  $1500?

Yeah, I wouldn't get the H60 if you can go with an air cooler.  A cheap Hyper 212 will match an H60's performance.  The Noctua Nh-d14 is a great cooler.  The U12S is slightly cheaper, and smaller.

The FX-8350 is a great chip.  Pair that with a decent 990FX motherboard, and enjoy overclocking.

Quick edit:

I  understand what you guys are saying about the cooler, but I am not going to be going anywhere near 4.8ghz, I probably whont go over 4.0. The other reason (the main reason) is for the looks, the h60 will look good in the case where as the noctua or another air cooler won't. Keep in mind the case has a Window...

Plus don't think I haven't considered the high end air coolers, remember I have been planning this build for almost a year now.

If it changes anything the rad will be in push pull...

If you are not into overclocking, you could consider the xeon 1230 v3.

I want to get into overclocking, but I have never done any clocking before so I won't be doing anything major. 

By the way I just found this:

If you indeed want the look of an AIO, then go for it.  The H60 isn't bad.  If you want more performance the H80i is also a good option/

Thank you all for the awesome advice! I am hopefully going to order it soon, where would I post a build log for this?

Maybe I could upgrade to an H100 later on...

You can make a blog post or just a thread like this in the build a PC forum.  

Where do I make a blog post? 

Btw nice profile pic :)

Post--> under drop down menu: Blog entry.

Just a tip, before ordering, try checking out /r/buildapcsales.  You may or may not find the parts you want on sale, but there is some good stuff there that you might deviate a bit from your original plan.  

And thanks! 

OK, thank you guys for all the help! :)