Final build thoughts

First of all, i'd like to thank everyone that told me what to do and what not to do. You guys are heroes.

This will be my FIRST PC BUILD.

here's the part list :

I already have a mouse, and a 24 inch tv i will be using as a monitor. I also have a speaker system.

Are there any last suggestions? any comments on my build? please feel free to voice your concerns.

again, thanks to all the unsung heroes who helped me greatly, you know who you are.

i got everything from newegg because i'm using my mom's credit card and she only wants to order from 1 place.

I'm fairly solid on how to put everything together once i get my shipment, however i am terrified that i will forget to purchase something and i will be unable to build it. please help ._.

once again, thank you for your time and thank you for commenting and helping me. i'm a little nervous but i feel confident you guys will point me in the right direction. 

can you wait any amount of time and get a cpu cooler?

doesnt the cpu come with a fan? and i'm not overclocking right now so i should be fine especially with the extra fans i bought


I hate the Source 220... I have experience building with this case

Everything I see is perfect. The only other thing I would say is to maybe invest in an SSD. Samsung makes a couple that are both cheap and very fast.

what's so bad about the 220? and thanks for the recommendation i think i like that case more.

and there's no money for an ssd right now, but that'll be my first upgrade after i order the build.