Fibre Network

So I recently switched to fibre from adsl. <yay!>

Problem is my ISP gives me a cat5 cable I can plug in *one* pc and thats about it. They also bind the MAC address of the connected device so I cannot juggle between connected devices. If I have to switch to another device I need to call them up and request a MAC rebind which usually takes about 5-10 minutes.

I want to extend this connection to multiple devices and I'm assuming I need a switch for that cause my ADSL routers don't seem to work with this. In an ideal world I would want to use a small low powered system as a custom router using pfsense, but I don't have a machine lying around. Is there a way I can configure my ADSL router to share this connection? I've got a Belkin N300 Wi-Fi, a D-Link and an Asus RT13 lying around.

I plan to run a gaming rig, a streaming box, a home media server, a couple of laptops and the assortment of mobile devices. So I'd prefer some amount of customizability. Right now I'm hosting an ad-hoc Wi-Fi hotspot from my gaming rig but thats barely keeping up and my media server does not have a wi-fi adapter so its feeling real left out right now.

A lesser alternative would be to pay rent for a box from my ISP but I would really hate that.

Any advice is appreciated.

Most of your consumer class routers will allow you to clone your computer's MAC to the router. Either way a regular router will work fine. Although a small pc running PFsense would be far more robust.

Oh just for reference don't ever put anything belkin in a piece of equipment you need to be reliable. I've tested several of their NICs and routers. They are not quality parts, and usually end up causing headaches.