¡Feliz Año Nuevo, Tek Community! [Closed]

I'm not sure if the game still has a community but I have given up entirely in the game. Zombie put out BS update after BS update of old Blacklight: Tango Down maps, new weapons that could not be bought with earnable in-game currency (only the real money purchased in-game currency), the servers being terribly laggy and showing the incorrect latencies for the better part of a year before I quit, and never fixing a few major problems with the game like tomahawks being far too simple to use (combination of frag grenade, prox mine, and throwing knife with none of the downsides of any of them), the node system which caused too many passive imbalances that allowed players with large wallets to buy their way to skill, the spawn turrets, and depot camping (my solution would be to introduce a gear item to temporarily disable a depot for one minute; one or two per team limit).

The community had always been vile and toxic, almost to the extent of CS: GO, and the game required Punkbuster, (a terribly intrusive, and wholly ineffective anti-cheat program that cannot be uninstalled easily; this is why I stopped playing Red Orchestra 2, despite my adoration of the game). Zombie abandoned PC only to abandon the PS4 as well because the game is actually worse on there.

Some of my most memorable gaming moments and closest PC friends came from my time in the game, and to see a game that I loved so much be completely uncared for by the devs and the community has made me bitter about idea of online multiplayer only shooters...at least, until I found Insurgency. That game is the exact opposite of Blacklight, and I know it will last far longer and stay far more fun for years to come.

1 zekelowther

2 audiosurf

3 I wish for my best friend (15 and hes expecting a son in about 8 months) to have the police drop the charges against him.

That is a dream I can get behind. Enjoy the game  :3

Hi! I just came to see if you were still giving away copies of games. The truth is I've never heard of lot of these games, but I was wondering if I could have one. Any that you would be wiling to give, also I could use some friends to play with anyone body wants to play with me?..


Well, there's a whole list of games I'm willing to give away. I would appreciate if you would answer the questions listed in the first post and I would be glad to send you one.  :3

That is a bit peculiar.  :P


I guess I'll take Blackgaurd if you would be so kind, and thanks a lot again for the game.

Here's my profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198115348358/

Papers, Please

My wish for next is an upgrade from my 7770 

There you are. I'll just say you wish for PC gaming friends  :P

And one for you.  :3

Have fun  :3

Audiosurf, definitely



 next year I wish to make new friends and stuff.


Just redeemed it , thank you so much :)

Hi ,

i am http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119388157/

i´d liked Beatbuddy.

My wish for next year is to finish school with good marks and find a nice place to study.

There you go  :3

Audiosurf has already been taken. You may select another game, though.


I am http://steamcommunity.com/id/MrChumps/ yeah I have set mine to private due to potential trade scams.

I would like to have Raise the Sun please.

My wish for next year is to have a part time job that I would like to work in.


I am http://steamcommunity.com/id/GX8ideon 

I'd like Race the Sun :D!

My wish for next year is learn more about programming and better managing my time!

I had forgotten about this and accidentally gave it away already. I apologize for that.  ><

Or Galcon Fusion. lol