Feedback/Help with an upcoming build

First of all, howdy, going to make this my first post. It's great to be here. Anyway, I'm going to be building a PC in a few months and I want to make sure I'm not bottlenecking anything too hard or making any dumb mistakes. I'm pretty well versed in parts and what they do, but I've not got much experience with the actual performance side of things. I'm not going for anything too high-end, but something that will do me for a while and won't be underwhelming. I'd like all the critique and comments I can get about the parts, if that's okay.

  • AMD FX-4100 3.60 GHz Quad-Core AM3+ CPU 4MB L2 Cache
  • 2TB (2TBx1) SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 64MB Cache 7200RPM HDD
  • 16GB (4GBx4) DDR3/1600MHz
  • GIGABYTE GA-970A-D3 AMD 970 Chipset Socket AM3+ ATX Mainboard w/ Touch Bios, Ultra Durable 2, On/Off Charge, 7.1 Audio, GbLAN, 2 Gen2 PCIe X16, 3 PCIe X1 & 2 PCI
  • AMD Radeon HD 7870

Thanks again, and rock on.

I think your motherboard is a PCI 2.0 mobo, and your card is a PCI 3.0. Pci 3.0 and 2.0 are backwards compadible, but i'd go for a motherboard with PCI 3.0 so you don't bottleneck your system. Also, how much does this cost?

PCIe 3.0 has practically no difference in performance with a graphics card due to the speed of 2.0 already being really fast.

Thanks for pointing that out. Also, I'm paying about $880 for everything.