Hello everyone,
I’ve recently installed Fedora 34 with XCFE. I’ve found a very annoying occurrence in the GUI. It appears when the shell opens up a GUI requesting user input eg. GPG -card-status prompts the user with a window that locks the focus into it’s Windows meaning you have to interact with that Window when it occurs. Therefore, not allowing a user to interact with any other open window, say a password manager. Very frustrating.
If anyone can recommend how to disable this “feature” that would honestly make my life nicer.
Thanks in advance.
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I don’t use XFCE or Fedora. By chance do you have another WM/DE installed that you can test with to see if it is an XFCE issue or not? It sounds like you have a security feature turned on that may or may not be unique to your distro.
Are you saying anytime you open a terminal, this happens or just when you perform a certain action in the terminal?
I don’t, but I can certainly try this. I do have SELinux install also.
Just when certain actions prompt the user for input, the focus is locked to said prompt window.
Maybe one of the Fedora/RH guys can chime in. AppArmour is the default in the distros that I use.
Having done some more research, i think it may be related to keyring or GPG-Agent. I am now looking into these avenues.
Thank you again for your advice
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