Dear forum members,
These kinds of posts always make me gigglish. Having an IPv6 only network shouldn’t be a problem in 2021, yet, it sort of is. What I’ve noticed over the years is the following trend:
Good ISPs in developing countries are now deploying with no IPv4 support whatsoever. Mainly, because the organizations in these countries responsible for address space allocation DON’T have anymore addresses to give out (and when they DO, the prices are VERY high). Retarded network operators don’t even get to partake or start such ISPs either, because they can’t into v6 or they think it’s a gimmick.
Bad ISPs in developing countries managed to snag some leftover /24s and /31s at the end of 2019 and are operating v4 only sometimes and relying on CGNATTING with 1 to 100 setups sometimes. Talk about a disaster.
Pedido de IP
Then you also have countries like Angola, with a huge v4 address space allocated to them, yet they’re not even close to using all of it. This makes them think twice before ever adopting v6.
On the topic of countries with too many addresses, you have people like a friend of mine in Finland whose ISP gives you 5 IPv4 addresses if you so request through DHCP.
Source: Roteamento de Ideias - Entrevista sobre as redes e IXs internacionais com Darwin Costa da DE-CIX by Camada 8 • A podcast on Anchor
Now, out of the topic of internet access to the end user, let’s talk about accessibility to huge parts of the web.
E-mail: A huge amount of mail server operators out there have 0, I repeat, 0 v6 support. Boggles my mind. So, in such a case, your users would straight up not be able to send e-mail to certain recipients. Not good.
WWW: Big sites like reddit, twitch and discord don’t support v6 yet. What a joke.
Security: Most DVRs I came in touch with and IP cameras have barely working support for v4, as in, their networking is complete dogshit. They have no v6 either. I’m talking about newish devices from only upwards to 2 years old.
Gaming: Xbox one does v6 just fine. PS4 and 5? None. Nintendo Switch? No clue.
Now, what’s gonna happen in the future? I’m thinking two possibilities:
A: We stay in this hellhole of natting with no v6 widespread in the foreseeable future.
B: With more v6 only ISPs coming up, people launch services to compete with the existing ones that are v4 only. Or, some huge service like Netflix goes out of their way to go v6 only even if just for a day. This would have ISPs running around the clock to implement v6. It would also give quite a few laughs.
This post was written while eating a pizza and laying back as further as possible in my chair. So, sorry for the schizophreniac-like contents and their order. I’m thinking of one day doing a general v6 post in the forum with a bunch of info.
Best regards,