FCC Releases Order to Increase Connect America Rural Broadband Speeds?

So on occasion I hit up the FCC web site and start to think about my internet situation. The household I live in does not have any wired internet connection to it at all, as far as i am aware. Every time I try to look up who our land line service provider is, either there is no landline ISP for my area, or the ISP is CenturyLink. If it is CenturyLink they have clearly stated they the WILL NOT run any lines to our residence, and im not talking about the "last mile". Obviously we do have interned but it is wireless broadband(WiMax?) through a company called http://broadband-mn.com/ . We are subscribed at their "fastest" plan at "10mb/1mb/s" down and up respectively, However I rarely seen speeds higher than 2mb/s with Speedtest.net . Now I'm not here to complain about being bent over the barrel so to speak.  I am wondering how I can improve the internet situation I'm in. So im curious to know if the FCC's Order to Increase Connect America Rural Broadband Speeds will help or am I totally misunderstanding the outline.


Im tired of crappy rural wireless broadband, will the FCC's Order to Increase Connect America Rural Broadband Speeds help me out? Per their maps I'm in an unserved area.