FCC proposal would destroy net neutrality

Yea soooooo ima let you guys read this for yourselves but ima just ask.........FCC wtf are you doing cause you need to stop..like right now

FCC proposal would destroy net neutrality

I just read about this, I don't even know what to think. I know the ISP's aren't going to be lowering our prices, but the other companies may raise their prices. This will also kill any upcoming video sites I believe, no matter what they say about "...as they offer that treatment to all interested parties on "commercially reasonable" terms...". They will loophole or get that changed.

GG Internet

Here's a link to some information from the wall street journal since OP is adverse to links XD.



Yea, we need to set up a website with form letters and emails that people can just write their name on to just mail bomb the FCC, congressional members, and Large companies to try to fight this.

This is bad, this is very bad. Just shows what kind of corruption we have in our government. 

We dont exactly know what the hell is in the workings. We know *Something* they're doing, aswell as a broad scope, but until the details are out i'm calling FUD on this article. And while I AM calling out FUD, It's fair to say that no amount of protesting or pushing against this can stop it. It will happen. Top dollar has been spent. Unless people rile up and lobby, the corporations are getting this one, if in fact, the article is legitimate.

This is all kinds of bad and insane. I've already spoken with my elected officials about this after I read the article. The only other thing I can do is spread the word.