so apparently you say the word fuck, shit or asshole (not even sure why that is censored anyway) during daytime hours and not get fined, or so the supreme court ruled
so apparently you say the word fuck, shit or asshole (not even sure why that is censored anyway) during daytime hours and not get fined, or so the supreme court ruled
What the hell? That's not good. It's stupid.
I can't stand people that think you're wimpy if you're not cursing all the time.
That's good. I hate censorship.
Censorship of strong language is not a bad type of sensorship. Aren't you sick to death of the limited vocabulary so many kids use, just flinging f words into each sentance. We don't want it spreading.
That said, I have no clue what FCC is, so I may be thinking the wrong thing.
Eh, excessive cursing is irritating, but I'm not sure it should be the US government's job to police profane language, especially considering the whole "first amendment" thing we have. Besides, you can use profane words in unprofane ways, and completely permissible words in really horrible ways. It's all intention and context.
Pretty sure that the FCC can police profanity and such as soon as they clarify those laws, it's just that the laws on the books are pretty unspecific.
I curse all the time, but I have a pretty large vocabulary as well. I don't think censoring things like speech is right. I could go into a whole rant, but I don't have twenty minutes available for typing right now.