FC3 Blood Dragon Crashing


Just wondering if anyone else has had problems with Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon crashing to desktop.I have a 7870 and all drivers are up to date and I've been monitoring heat closely so I don't think those two could be the culprits. Perhaps I have a bad install of the game and should try reinstalling? Thoughts?


What cpu have you got? whats the rest of your sistem? FC3 is fairly hefty on the cpu (and will use 8 core cpus if you have one)



I have a 8350 but I have a stock fan on it so I guess it could be overheating? Oh and if I may ask what is the software that you are using to monitor temps?

HWiNFO64 and msiafterburner (together) to show temps cpu useage ect.

Yes the stock heatsink is useless i have a 212 evo on mine and 60c is still a little too hot for my likeing those cpus start throttleing at 62-65c (i have a H80i on order)



Yeah I actually had a H80 ordered from newegg a couple of days ago but cancelled it. Now to wait for Newegg to give me my money back lol.

Thanks for the help!!!!


This is how you add items to be showen in misafterburner onscreen display (you can add anything you whant)


Ah you answered my question before I asked it. Just got everything set up going to run Blood Dragon and see what happens