Just wondering if anyone else has had problems with Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon crashing to desktop.I have a 7870 and all drivers are up to date and I've been monitoring heat closely so I don't think those two could be the culprits. Perhaps I have a bad install of the game and should try reinstalling? Thoughts?
I have a 8350 but I have a stock fan on it so I guess it could be overheating? Oh and if I may ask what is the software that you are using to monitor temps?
HWiNFO64 and msiafterburner (together) to show temps cpu useage ect.
Yes the stock heatsink is useless i have a 212 evo on mine and 60c is still a little too hot for my likeing those cpus start throttleing at 62-65c (i have a H80i on order)