Don't have a rx480 but i really like the bios modding. Good job.
@Fawkes or who ever else can answer this.
My Brother has a XFX GTR XXX 480. It was the same as the GTR in every way but shipped with slightly lower clocks, same cooler and PCB as far as I could see.
Does anyone know if this would take this upgrade?
EDIT: review with PCB info, a but over my head but maybe someone else can compare it.
My bios won't brick your card, especially because the voltage is the same as stock.
And you could always revert to your stock bios with integrated graphics if needed.
bad. extremely small chance they'll work reliably.
if the link you posted is that card it'll work (looks exactly like mine). (if the gpu can run 1400Mhz ofc).
Try it out and see if it's stable, it should have dual bios if something goes wrong.
also a new bios is coming up if you guys are interested.
With even better vram timings and some other small changes.
Yes I am very interested. Also I have a question about driver blocks. Ive read that custom BIOS are being locked out by AMD drivers where straight rx 58- bios files work fine. I also read there is a patch to fix it in the Bios do these work fine with standard drivers?
Alright, when i've got the time i'll upload the bios file.
It appears to me only the RX580 does not have bios check's in the driver.
When i flashed my rx480 to a stock 580 bios i had to reinstall the drivers.
But then it just worked no patch needed.
Also when i flash custom rx580 bios's on the card now it just works without patch.
I have seen multiple succes flashes between the same XFX cards.
So i suppose its safe to do.
Still i dont see much reasons to do it, but thats just me.
But i would only recommend to flash bioses from the same card series.
Like the XFX RX580 GTR-S bios on the XFX RX480 GTR so on so forth.
Because you should be aware of pcb compatibillity aswell.
Ideally you want to flash two identical pcb´s.
And of course use the slowest bios you can find, to avoid any issues.
great tip, that's why i post the 1400Mhz bios since that should be doable on most XFX 480 (gtr's).
And the reason why i don't post the on my gpu stable 1430 bios.
Yep that looks like a pretty safe bios to use.
V2 has been uploaded!
Hello there! Nice job with the bios. I am expecting a new RX480 GTR BE any day now and I will be testing your v2 bios and I'll let you know my results. Just a couple of questions:
What would you suggest for stability testing? Is furmark ok, or better to be avoided?
Could you provide your 1430MHz bios as well, just in case someone is stable at 1400 and wants to test even further?
Best Regards.
Thank you!,
Great choice!
i'll upload my own bios for you however i strongly recommend using my V2 bios instead.
avoid furmark, furmark is only usefull for testing the cooling capability's of your cooler.
Use Unigine heaven and valley for testing.
I use heaven while overclocking since heaven likes to crash with even the smallest hickup
First off thank you for this bios, ive sucessfully flashed my gtr black to a 580 with a good little performance boost, quick question though is there any need to increase the power limit in amd settings? Tried a small oc but it didnt like it
Edit: meant 580 not 550 lol
wow both of you guys are really fresh on this forum. so let me say:
on to the good stuff:
i really hope you meant 580 right?
No that should not be needed. you could always try.
But i think adding more volt's to the core is a better option if you want to overcluck further.
Keep in mind that the settings of my V2 bios may very well be the maximum your gpu can handle without getting unstable.
1400 is already a big overclock (especially on stock voltage).
Ah ok i thought as much, anyways great job on this man, i can really notice the memory improvements
Yeah i meant 580 btw , and yep i mainly created the account just to say thanks, well happy with this bios, can see alot of people flashing this.
Thank you,
The memory improvement is huge indeed.
And has great impact on performance.
Thanks for the bios, but I'm experiencing 2 problems:
- The voltage is too high on my card, it's around 1200 mv instead of 1150 mv.
- The fan speed just keeps increasing to like 84% even though the temps are around ~70 degrees. Even after quitting the game the fan speed is stuck untill I reset the wattman settings.
Pretty happy with the stability of the bios but right now it's just too hot and loud for me. I am considering repasting my card though.
Edit: Also, I'm pretty sure the memory clocks in steps of 25mhz so 2020 mhz is the same as 2000. 2025 mhz is the next step, I can be wrong about this though.
What type of gpu are you using (XFX GTR?).
and the voltage being @1200mv is normal that's because of voltage calibration in the gpu.
The Bios voltage actually is 1150mv, the only way to check the actual voltage is with a multimeter.
Software voltage will not be accurate.
No one else has had the problems you described, are you using the v2 bios?
memory clock goes every Mhz, there are no "25Mhz steps".
You can try upping it to 2025 but there is a high chance you'll see a ton of errors.
XFX GTR's seem to be fully stable on 2020 and hit a brick wall. increasing it to 2025 will give 100s of errors.
please let me know.