Do any of you have a game your are enjoying alot?
Fallout 3 and NV with mods!!!
Yeah i like both of them to!
Planetside 2
whatever i played last, which is stanely parable.
Greed Corp..
League of legends =p somehow i always go back to it.
Bioshock Infinite and Fallout 3/NV.
I really need to play a game... My Dwarf Fortress save hasn't been touched in ages, I don't even have Steam installed on my main distro anymore.
I just started the Walking Dead, which is pretty fantastic. Otherwise I'm playing through some old stuff I got over the Steam sales, like Psychonauts.
just started playing tomb raider (got it with my new video card) QTE'S are pissing me off but dat eyecandy!
My fav game for this week anyway....but usealy fallout or bf3.
hmm, at the moment games are boreing me, but i think i'll have to say Dust: An Elisian Tail