I took a game playing hiatus for awhile and am getting the itch again. There are innumerable options out there to choose from and I have spent more time looking than deciding on one. So many lists are the best of 2015 or 2014, but I'd really just like to play something great.
I'd love to hear any favorites you all have played in the last few+ years.
The most recent games I've played are:
Talos Principle Vanishing of Ethan Carter FTL Starcraft 2 Skyrim
Kingdoms of Amalur - Reckoning (kinda my Skyrim, 190h) Batman Arkham Asylum (was quite disappointed with Arkham City) Diablo 3 + Reaper of Souls The Wolf Among Us Darksiders (love it, but the portal puzzles are annoying af) Enslaved - Odyssey to the West Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Primordia Deus Ex :human Revolution Xenonauts Both X-coms Banner Saga Civ 5 +expansions Wasteland 2 Legend of Grimmrock 1 and 2 Limbo Deponia trilogy Deadspace 1 Technobabylon Bioshocks Darksouls 1 +expansion Total War :shogun 2 Stealth Bastard Invisible Inc plus many more on consoles haha :)
Skyrim Risk of Rain Metro Redux series Crysis 3 Dark Siders 1 & 2 Age of Empires 2 Besiege Battleblock Theatre FTL Terraria Minecraft Waves VVVVVV <------ yes thats a game look it up Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Don't Starve Banished
As best of an order as I can make. I enjoyed most of the games, but some of them (Portal 2, Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite) have poor replayability, and B:AC is just a meatball of a game that I haven't managed to play through it more than once.
Bioshock Infinite Mass Effect 2 Tomb Raider Counterstrike: Global Offensive Minecraft Cities: Skylines Batman: Arkham City Portal 2
In order of hours, it would probably be Minecraft > CS: GO > Mass Effect 2 > Cities: Skylines >?
I really enjoyed Banished. Did anyone else play that? It was super addictive, but needed more content. I've heard that there have been mods made for it, but I havent mucked with any of them. I'm hoping that they will make a second version, with a little more complexity and additional features/mechanics.
Fallout 3 (7 years but if you don't play it your nuts considering 4 is nearly out) Fallout NV (3 is better just due to lore but I loved NV all the same, and let's not forget Project Brazil) Skyrim (kinda meh without mods) GTA V (loved it) Orion Prelude (just kidding) Arma 3 Project Brazil (not sure where in development it's at but it was such a massive mod for Fallout NV it could be considered it's own game just make sure to have really high charisma and choose to be a nerd, it's awesome) Far Cry 4 Don't Starve ArchAge (it got somewwhat better) Payday 2 Insurgency Poker Night 2 Chivilary Medieval Warfare
GTA IV and V (Because some times IV is better than V IMO) Assetto Corsa WOT (World of Tanks) RIDE (Like Forza but with Motorcycles) Fallout 3 and NV Skyrim (With Mods) SuperMeatBoy (Rage Inducing Fun) Minecraft (Like who doesn't like this game) Sonic Generations (Best Sonic to Date) Portal 1&2