Favorite Fictional Universe

What is everybodys favorite fictional universe? I think it would be interesting to see what each person is a fan of. Personally I have a tie between Warhammer and The Elder Scrolls. Leave a comment with your favorite?


I don't really have an all time favorites, but here are some of my favorites per a few select media:

Comics: Marvel

Anime/manga: a tie between Gundam and Ghost in the Shell

Videogames: a tie between Borderlands, Elder Scrolls, and Fallout

Tabletop games: Warhammer 40,000

TV: Futurama

marvel, i love cosmic beings

Well to follow Kiaxa's format 

Comics: Deadpool 

Anime/manga: Black lagoon and RedLine

Videogames: Zelda franchise in general and Metroid prime 

tabletop games: i dont play any but Warhammer looks cool

TV: Never will watch it lol

I'll redo mine following Kiaxa's format

Comics: The Walking Dead, Marvel

Anime/manga: Not a huge fan, Death Note I guess?

Videogames: The Elder Scrolls and Warcraft

tabletop games: Warhammer

TV: The Walking Dead


Comics: DC

Anime/Manga: Darker than Black (I love the idea of paying a price to use your power)

Videogames: Tie between Knights of the Old Republic and Kingdom Hearts

TV: Doctor Who


Forgotten Realms

Conker's Bad Fur Day


Moulin Rouge cos everything should be said in song.

DC Comics

Zone of Enders

Farscape and Stargate

Halo but i dont like what is being done with it


EverQuest by far. and i loved the lore. 


Book: Bone

Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

Game: Borderlands, Fallout, and Warcraft

Movie: Lord of the Rings and Star Wars

Mine mostly come from games.


Final Fantasy XIII: I really liked the character build up, and some of the landscape is really beautiful.
It surprised me that XIII-2 took such a depressing turn.

Ace Combat: 5 was my favorite and imo probably portrayed the fictional AC universe the best.

Dead Space: The third installment added some interesting history and insight to the mysterious necromorph outbreaks.


Books: Harry Potter
Games: Either Halo or TES
Movies: Probably Star Wars 

Middle Earth, The elder scrolls, Naruto, and Harry Potter. There is one more I just cant remember it.

Mass Effect universe, Star Trek (TNG, DS9, Voyager etc.) and Elder Scrolls (Skyrim). 

Original Stark Trek and Doctor Who circa 2005.