Far Cry 4 PC requirements

I saw this one circulating on the Internet: Far Cry 4's confirmed PC specs: http://blog.ubi.com/far-cry-4-pc-specs/

I mostly did a WTF. Really, a R9 290X? While NVidia can make do with a GTX 680?

Well these requirements are mostly reasonable (the 4-year old GTX 460 is comparable to the PS4/X1 performance), the GPU recommendation for optimal settings is stupid. An R9 290X smokes the GTX 680 in performance. That is an unfair comparison where one is a 4GB 512-bit card and another is basically half of said card. A R9 280X/HD 7970 is more comparable to the GTX 680. Seriously? Who are the engineers behind this game?

At least it is better than Assassins' Creed: Unity system requirements bullshit. I am still boycotting Ubisoft games for 1 year.

At this point I expect nothing from Ubisoft.

Don't listen to them. The specs are always vague and over blown. It shouldn't be that hard to run. FC3 isn't that hard. Unless they really buggered it this time to be assholes.

Ortho the PS4 is actually significantly more powerful than the Xbone so they aren't exactly the same. Its like 750 Ti vs 7870. That video Linus made was a bit silly.