I have 2 copies of farcry 3 Blood Dragon to trade.
I wouldn't mind trading with someone who has Battlefield 3 in the Humble Bundle deal or any other interesting games.
I have 2 copies of farcry 3 Blood Dragon to trade.
I wouldn't mind trading with someone who has Battlefield 3 in the Humble Bundle deal or any other interesting games.
star wars battle front 2?
Sorry I have it on PS2.
What I want is more of the latest titles e.g. Battlefield 3.
I have a key for BF3 that I don't think I gave away, I'll PM it to you. If it works then I'd be glad to take Blood Dragon off your hands. If it doesn't work then I have 3 other games (C&C: Red Alert 3, Populous, Medal of Honor 1).
Ok apparently I can't PM you, what's your e-mail?
Its a steam code....
Steam? Legendary Bruce. And the Blood Dragon code is off the UbiSoft Store
Invite sent.
I have some steam codes from the humble bundle.
Add me on Steam and we can discuss.
Ok just a sec.
I sent the invite.