Fans; differences between static pressure and performance versions

 what are the differences/benefits of static pressure vs. performance fans? Just bought my build yesterday, and I want to get more fans for cooling on my corsair spec-01.


Essentially fans optimized for static pressure are made to push air through radiators and heat sinks, while others are for higher air flow which you'd use for case fans.

 thank you. 

ah, I see now. +1 for corsair throwing everybody off, I was on their site looking up fans. the spec 01 case only comes with a front 120mm fan, and need more definitely. should I stay corsair, or is there something better?

hats off to you for this information :) I hope to come across these fans from a us seller. 



just found them! thanks for your help sir.

I still use only Noctuas. I've looked at the EK fans but for their speed and noise they don't seem that great. My Noctua's offer similar pressure, higher airflow, and less noise. 


Also the EK fans are about 22 dollars Canadian each, whereas the Noctuas are about 27. The Noctuas also offer a 6 year warranty on parts and labour, couldn't find anything comparable on the EK. 

The EK fans also lack rubber anti vibration mounts... So why are you recommending these fans so hard?

because of that one lone graph.

I can read your 'data' just fine thanks. As I can also read your exclusion of discussing the warranty. I've looked at the data, and yes the gentle typhoon has more pressure and airflow, at a higher RPM. That combined with lack of mounting options (rubber corners as well as rubber mounting pegs on Noctua), barely any price difference, and AMAZING warranty from Noctua, I will still only recommend Noctuas. 

Quit being a fanboy Paw. Seriously, 6 year warranty on the Noctuas... Maybe 1 year on the Vardar?

Also as someone with an actual Science degree and massive amounts of experience reading, analyzing and assessing scientific data I would like to point out that one persons results a truth/law they DO NOT MAKE. Find me someone who has replicated the data you present, then we talk. Until then, it is NOT scientific, but you wouldn't know that. 

Please, just get the Noctuas. Haters don't like the colour scheme, don't be a fanboy about fashion. Computers are not about fashion.