Fan placement on the S340

I bought a NZXT S340 case for my first build and it. Doesn't seem to have much room for air cooling, I would like to place fans in the front of the case, should I leave the front panel on as it has cracks or this space for air to go in, or should I just use the fans and dust filter with no panel on the front, if I do this, the side panels of the case stick out in the front part and don't look as if I'm supposed to do that, thanks for any advice, I can only air cool btw so please no radiator suggestions.

From all the reviews I've seen of the S340 the front panel provides adequate airflow so running it without the front panel probably wouldn't provide much benefit.

  • What do you think of running it with just the stock fans? Just the two fans in the top corner... would that be a bad idea? Also, is one fan exhaust and one intake or are they both exaust? Sorry, this Is my first build.

What you need is more fans, trying to just rearrange the stock fans will not yield desirable results. Just buy some more fans to put in the front

  • Thanks for the info, I ordered two 140mm fans for the front. One more question, do you know where I can buy a cheap copy of Windows 8? I have seen them from 50-200 dollars, I saw a $99 on linus's site. I only have 8gb in ram so I'm sure I only need the basic version.