Fan noise and recommendation

Hello, I built my PC about +-1 or 2 years ago and I decided to maintain the same PSU from my previous build, the Corsair 650TX (the v2). About 4 to 5 months ago I started to notice this unusual fan noise during start up and it would just reduce/stop once the machine is already going (i.e. Desktop loaded, start up programs). First I though it could be dust accumulation or cables touching some fans, I've used compressed air in the whole case and replaced some fans, same noise.

So should I worry about this noise and look for a new PSU? or It's something normal that would not cause a sudden problem in the system?

Thanks for reading...

@BrunoBsB Hey bud, I personally would remove the psu power it up and see if its the psu making the noise.

If the fan is making the noise, crack it open (assuming the warranty is no longer effective) and lube the fan, with light machine oil.
Your PSU is kinda showing its age, you might want to consider replacing it. Testing the PSU would be helpful, use a power supply tester you can buy at a local electronics and see if everything is working as it should be, supplying the right voltage, current, etc.
Get something from Seasonic, they make the best PSU's money can buy.